Saturday, November 05, 2005

Sigh of Relief

Brian is currently on his way home from his last November alert. Which is very relieving, knowing that any day now, I could go into labor. We kept telling the little guy to wait until after today and he has listened well, although I had a scare last night when I started having some pretty good contractions. Luckily,they must have been Braxton Hicks, because they did go away. Whew! Last night Tammi had myself and Kim (and Avery) over for dinner, as all the husbands were on alert (gasp...That never happens on the same night, especially a weekend)! She picked up Applebee's for us (what an awesome chick) and we chilled out and chatted, and had a good time playing with Tanner. I have to share this funny story about Tanner (who, if you don't recall is 3). I was sitting with him playing with a "puzzle" of sorts that spelled out his name. Each block letter was a different color and was to be put in its right order. This was a gift from Miss Keelee, he told me RIGHT AWAY! Anyway, the "T" to the puzzle was missing and I said, "Tanner, where's the 'T'?" He looked at me and then ran off and I thought he had become bored. He returned a moment later with a pitcher of...ICED TEA!!!!! I didn't get it at first of course, but he said, "Here's the 'tea'!" Tammi started laughing and explained it to me and then we could NOT stop laughing! Tanner is so smart! What a cutie!! thanks Tammi for a very relaxing night with the girls (and Tanner and Evan, of course), I think we all needed it!


Bethalow said...

That is so cute! Tanner is such a little ham!

momto2boys said...

my pleasure... it was a blast.. :)