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As most of you probably know by now, our son, Nolan Richard, was born Wednesday, November 16th at 10:50 AM. It turns out that induction was not necessary, which looking back we are both very grateful for.
Tuesday morning I woke up having contractions and thought to myself, "today's the day." I was almost right. Brian and I spent the day running last minute errands and around 1:30 PM started timing the contractions. They were running mostly 7-12 minutes apart, so we knew it wasn't quite time, but they were consistant. We made dinner and as it was making, the contractions got closer togehter (as close as 5 minutes). We knew we had to go to the hospital! It was very surreal. After teh nurse hoooked me up to see where I was they discovered I was slightly dehydrated, so they thought that may be the reason I was having such close contratctions (I was still only 1 cm). Anyway, they had us walk laps around the hospital and at the next check, I was 3 cm dilated. They admitted me and the labor continued (yeah, no false alarm!). When I got to 10 cm, we started the pushing, but after 2 hours, there was little way to deny that Nolan wasn't going to be able to make it out alone. They used a "vaccum" to suction his head out and it was then we heard the MOST beautiful sound in the world. Our baby's crying. It was a long night and an even longer morning, but it was so worth it. Nolan weighed in at 6 lbs, 6.5 ounces,19.5 inches long. We returned home yesterday afternoon and are getting adjusted and used to our new lifestyle. The dogs are a bit unsure what to think, but are doing great and wag their tails at Nolan and Tootsie whines when he cries.
Thank you to everyone for your prayers, thoughts, phone calls and visits, tehy all mean so much right now. Here are some pictures of our son, the love of our lives. There will be plenty more to come, but bear with me now, as post may not be as frequent as we adjust to the changes! :)

Oh what cute little bundle! We can't wait to get our hands on him. I picked up a couple of newborn outfits at Kohls Sat. before going to Emily's FZW hockey game. She is a Varsity cheerleader. Hopefully you found some outfits at Wal-Mart.One mother with a 4 wk. old warned me that they grow out of them be fore you know it. Love and kisses.
Sam and Brian,
Congratulations. I'm so proud of you. He is beautiful!!!
He's gorgeous! Good luck at getting some sleep. Hope you're all adjusting well and getting to snuggle with your new little angel.
Congrats Sam & Brian. He is absolutely adorable (and we love his name)! We are so happy for you - enjoy the best time of your lives - they do grow so quickly.
cousin vince, suzy, trevor, siarra & reece
We are so excited for the both of you! Much Love, Amanda & Ron Hubbard
Congratulations Sam & Brian!!! Nolan is so beautiful. I wish your new family all the best.
Congratulations on the newest edition to your family! Nolan is a doll. Enjoy him each and every day.
Sam & Brian~
He is the cutest baby ever! Keep sending pictures. Congrats and we can't wait to meet him in January! Love you, Kim & Steve
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