Wednesday, December 28, 2005
More pics
Here is a pic of us girls on Christmas...it wouldn't upload in the last. Please ignore my hair, that at the beginning of the day was pulled up, but kept falling as the day wore on. Grr...

Wonderful Christmas
Brian and I had a fantastic Christmas! On Christmas Eve Julie and Bryan invited some friends over, so we joined them and the Daane's for some game playing and Santa tracking (that jolly ol' fella is fast)!
Christmas day we went to church in the morning (totally goes against the Ley family tradition...we normally go on the Eve...but since Brian was an usher I let it slide this year). We came home and lit the fireplace and opened gifts. We are so blessed, we (Nolan included) recieved some wonderful gifts and we are so grateful! Then we went Matt & Kim's later in the day for a delicious dinner. I am not kidding, the food was out of this world. Everyone brought something and it was all phenominal! Beth gave the rest of us girls one of the most thoughtful and wonderful gifts I have ever gotten. She gave us each a photo album full of black and white pictures. Each of our albums included group pictures of our gang, plus she personalized each album with pictures of us and our family. My album had pictures of me when I was pregnant, pics of Nolan, Brian and myself. It truly brought a tear to my eye and it is something I will always treasure. Thanks Beth!
After dinner we played a couple games. Scene It (Brian, Cindy and I were on a team and let's just say we didn't do so hot...Oprah???? Where did that come from???). Then we played Taboo, Boys Vs. Girls. It was a CLOSE game, but in the end the women conquered (of course)!
And of course, since Brian and I have the best gift we could ever ask for...Nolan...we had the best Christmas ever!

Friday, December 23, 2005
First Date
Brian and I had our first date seven years ago tonight. We met at Poncho's house during Thanksgiving break (Meghan was there!) and had our first date during Christmas break. I gave Brian horrible directions, but he still made it to my parents house. He brought me a teddy bear and candle as a Christmas "gift." I was floored he would do that on our first date and thought it was was the sweetest thing ever.
We went to Canetto's (spelling?) on the Hill for dinner, where Brian spilled his drink on himself TWICE before we even sat down to eat. I guess he was nervous? I loved it!
Then we went to see Bugs Life and after that we were still raring to go, we went to the Train Wreck (Westport). We ended up dancing to the John Lennon song "So this is Christmas." This time of year is just that much more special because of memories like these. I never imagined my life the way it has turned out. Married to a military man, traveling the country, having a baby hundreds of miles away from where I grew up and from my family. And yet, if I had to do it over again, I wouldn't change a thing. I...WE...are right where we are supposed to be and I am such a lucky woman to have found the man who makes me laugh, who challenges me and to share this life with.
2 Days to Go...Are you Ready?
How did Christmas sneak up on us so quickly? I can hardly believe it's already (almost) here! On Wednesday (Nolan's 5 week "birthday") we took a visit to Santa Claus at the mall. Nolan sat on his lap and we got a picture of him, looking not like the happiest little boy in the world, although we think he is the cutest!
We have been busy bees. Last weekend we attended Brian's squadron Christmas party, which was held at Major Duralia's home (his boss). It was great to see everyone and we had a wonderful time. The Hall's and Hlivko's were there, too, so of course Nolan's favorite pals were there, too. You'll see a picture of the three of them festively dressed here shortly...what more could we ask for Christmas with these cuties?
Tuesday I attended the monthly Warrens Spouses Club meeting. There was an ornament exchange and dinner and it was nice for me to get out of the house and have some adult conversations! :) Nolan has been introduced to the bottle, so now Dad can feed him, too! Nolan took the bottle like a champ and its great for me to have a break every so often and its much better for Dad when I leave for a bit (if Nolan gets hungry).
Hopefully you are all having a merry season. It's always a little bittersweet for us this time of year, because we of course miss being in St. Louis and all the fun that goes with that, but we also feel so blessed to have our Air Force family here in Cheyenne. Brian, Nolan and I will be spending Christmas (evening) at the Hlivko's with other friends and we can't wait.
I am going to upload some pictures of our last week, mostly just hanging out and playing. Love ya all!! :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Happy Birthday Jack!!
Wish we could be there to help you celebrate! We had a card for you, addressed and stamped, but it has gone missing. Hopefully if someone finds it, they'll be kind enough to drop it in a mailbox. We love you!!

Sunday, December 18, 2005
Monday, December 12, 2005
Babes of 2005
Sunday Nolan and I went to a Christmas Exchange party at Julie's. The girls all got together and exchanged names and did a gift exchange. Lindsey had me and she bought me a beautiful pair of earrings with Nolan's birth stone, that match the necklace Brian got me. I can't WAIT to wear them! Thank you so much Lindsey! Some of the ladies took pics of the whole gang, so I'll have to steal those pics later. We did get a picture of all the babies of 2005, though and here they are! Adorable! If someone else has a better pic I'll steal that too, but for now, here they are! From R-L: Evan Hall (4 months), Hudson Cardwell (9 months), Avery Hlivko(almost 3 months) & Nolan (almost 1 month). Evan was the only chilled out one that didn't start screaming or crying.

Congratulations Erin & Tom!
Saturday we had the privelage of attending Erin and Tom's wedding. We met Erin thru Amanda (who I work with). Erin works at the hospital that Nolan was born in, on the L&D floor and so she helped us a great deal when he was born.
The wedding was absolutely beautiful and Nolan was thrilled to go to his first wedding. He even had a date...Hailey, who was born 2 days after him. All night people kept asking if they were twins. We had a blast and Nolan had such a good time that he let us sleep VERY well Saturday evening. Maybe we need a wedding every night...
Here's Nolan's date:
Brian & Erin (Sorry Tom, we didn't get any pics of you)!
Ron, Amanda, Sam & Brian (uh-oh, who has Nolan? KIDDING!)
And our family:

Friday, December 09, 2005
Where does the time go?
What used to seem like normal every day things to do, now seem like luxuries. Using the computer is definitely one of those. In fact as I type Nolan has become a fussy face, seeming to know how important this is to do. Hold on, I better give some kisses.
Okay, I am back. I explained to him that this is mostly about him, so he seems a little more content.
Things are going great, although everything is a learning process. Like, who needs windex, when your son opts to clean the windows himself with his pee? (Just kidding, we used windex when he was finished). And seriously, how can possibly prepare a new parent in how much laundry one little baby will go through? And regardless of how many times we heard it, a full night of sleep is certainly something of the past...or a figment of my imagination. I am too sleep deprived to know the difference. I am kidding! All joking aside, we can't complain. How could we really have known the overwhelming love we would feel? That when I can barely open my eyes to feed Nolan, I look down at him and my heart just soars with such emotion and I remind myself I better darn well open my eyes and enjoy every moment because I know they will pass too quickly.
We are having a blast and I apologize to friends and family for our lapse in emailing and blogging. Your all in our thoughts and hearts during this season.
So without further ado, before I get in REAL trouble, here are some pictures of Nolan!

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