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Brian and I had a fantastic Christmas! On Christmas Eve Julie and Bryan invited some friends over, so we joined them and the Daane's for some game playing and Santa tracking (that jolly ol' fella is fast)!
Christmas day we went to church in the morning (totally goes against the Ley family tradition...we normally go on the Eve...but since Brian was an usher I let it slide this year). We came home and lit the fireplace and opened gifts. We are so blessed, we (Nolan included) recieved some wonderful gifts and we are so grateful! Then we went Matt & Kim's later in the day for a delicious dinner. I am not kidding, the food was out of this world. Everyone brought something and it was all phenominal! Beth gave the rest of us girls one of the most thoughtful and wonderful gifts I have ever gotten. She gave us each a photo album full of black and white pictures. Each of our albums included group pictures of our gang, plus she personalized each album with pictures of us and our family. My album had pictures of me when I was pregnant, pics of Nolan, Brian and myself. It truly brought a tear to my eye and it is something I will always treasure. Thanks Beth!
After dinner we played a couple games. Scene It (Brian, Cindy and I were on a team and let's just say we didn't do so hot...Oprah???? Where did that come from???). Then we played Taboo, Boys Vs. Girls. It was a CLOSE game, but in the end the women conquered (of course)!
And of course, since Brian and I have the best gift we could ever ask for...Nolan...we had the best Christmas ever!
I can see Nolan's stocking on this pic and the train set up. I hope you get the Napa wine bottle to light up again. I know it worked at home before we brought it out to Cheyenne. What a darling couple you both make and what a funny little face Nolan is making !!! Love and kisses.
That's the face Nolan makes when we take out his pacifer...that is, right before he starts screaming at us!
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