Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Happy Father's Day

Good Times

At the splash pad:
Tammi & Evan at lunch on the water:

Tammi, Evan, myself, Nolan & Bri on the boat:
Swimming at Crab Island:
Matt driving the boat:
Tammi & Evan in the backyard while while the boys swam in the kiddie pool (we ate at Firehouse Subs, sooo good & the boys got hats):

The boys swimming:
Silliest dad in the world (giving Nolan rabbit ears)
Friday, June 15, 2007
Soooo Excited
Monday, June 11, 2007

Here's Brian waiting for his name to be announced:
Shaking hands with someone...I'll have to ask Brian who he is, I was holding a wiggly toddler!
Having his graduate scarf put on:
Receiving his diploma. And notice the guy to the left, in the back? Yeah, he's laughing because by now Nolan's screaming, "DOWN! DA-DA! DOWN!"

Night on the Town

Vacation Bible School

Here are some things I have learned from teaching a class full of 4 year olds:
*They have to go "potty" ALOT (but hey, at least there are no diapers).
*Apparently I am a germaphobic, slightly. I never knew this. Was it having a kid myself? I don't know, but after I held the cute little hands of a 4 year old, I was running to the bathroom to wash my hands.
*Teachers are saints. Seriously. I have never been so wiped out. I have always thought teachers were awesome and a blessing, but now even more so.
*Kids have an endless supply of energy.
*I also learned that being away from Nolan consistently, every day, was much harder on me than I would have liked to think. It was good for both of us, it really was, but oh how I love playing with him and snuggling him and having him make me laugh!!!
Friday, June 08, 2007
Night Night

Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Silly Silly Goose

Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Billy Bowleg

This next one was like an upside down V. You climbed to the top on the ladder & then had to slide down the other side, which was just like a gigantic tarp filled with air. We figured Nolan would go up a few steps and then come back down...not so much. He scaled this wall pronto, then got to the top and said, "No. No. No." So Brian and I took turns sliding with him & once got him to go alone...he's pretty brave, in my humble opinion...check out these pictures!

I can't believe I am posting this picture, but I have to admit, if it were the other way around, I would. So I am braving it and putting this totally embarrassing (albeit funny) picture of me. Notice the nice candid photos I take of Brian? And this is the shot he takes of me...I'm so loved! By the way, I had NO CLUE this picture was even taken until I downloaded the pictures to our computer...he's so sneaky!
Monday, June 04, 2007
Love & Romance

Zoo Trip

Nolan feeding a lama:
Nolan and Tristan...best buds!
Friday, June 01, 2007
Playdate & Lunchdate