Saturday Brian graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University with his Masters of Business Administration. We attended a graduation ceremony held at the National Museum of Naval Aviation (on the Navy base in Pensacola). It was a beautiful ceremony and wouldn't you know, Brian was the last, the VERY LAST student to walk across the stage to recieve his diploma? They certainly do save the best for last! Nolan basically skipped his nap to attend and let me tell you, we were so proud of him. As exciting as graduating is, lets face it, the ceremonies are no fun for toddlers! He sat in his stroller munching on various snacks and playing with cars and clapping and was soooo good! When Brian walked across the stage I took him out of his stroller to go up front and snap photos and that was the only time he fussed, because he really wanted to get down and run up on stage with Da-da!
Brian attended Embry-Riddle as an undergrad his freshman year in Daytona. I know from stories he tells me and friends he's stayed in contact with, that it was one of the best years of his life. Circumstances caused him to return home and he earned his undergraduate degree at one of the toughest engineering colleges in the nation, University Missouri Rolla. Even so, I think there was a part of him that always felt like something was unfinished, like part of his dream was left unachieved. Watching him walk across that stage and hearing his name as one of the Embry-Riddle graduates was one of those rare moments in life where you can physically see someone's dream accomplished. He was very modest, but I know how much it meant to him to complete this goal and it will be something he will have with him all of his life. No one can take it away. Congratulations, Brian. We're all so proud of you!
The stage, before the ceremony began:
This was one of the planes you saw when you looked up, there were 3 just like it. Nolan was in awe!
Here's Brian walking toward his seat:
Nolan munching on raisins, I believe (don't his eyes look tired?):
Here's Brian waiting for his name to be announced: 
Shaking hands with someone...I'll have to ask Brian who he is, I was holding a wiggly toddler!
Having his graduate scarf put on: 
Receiving his diploma. And notice the guy to the left, in the back? Yeah, he's laughing because by now Nolan's screaming, "DOWN! DA-DA! DOWN!" 
The handsome graduate:

His biggest fans!
Congratulations to you!!! Way to go!! What an awesome accomplishment!!! :)
WOW!!! Congrats Brian!!!
Congrats Brian...must feel good to have that behind you!!!
Congrats to Brian!
Congratulations Brian!!! Sorry to be a comment slacker lately. I'm working on it! :) Miss you guys!!
Congrats Brian! I'm a little envious. I still have 9 classes to go!!! Yuck
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