Saturday morning I woke up to get Nolan and Brian told me to go back to bed, that it was my "turn" to sleep in. I really wanted to get up, but when someone's twisting my I fell back asleep for about 45 minutes, into one of those glorious deep sleeps. I awoke to the cutest little voice saying, "Hi! Hi!" And I opened my eyes to Nolan standing beside me, preparing to climb the bed and jump around! And I smelled something yummy...Belgian waffles. That's my kind of way to wake up! Brian and Nolan made us breakfast and it was super good. Then we got ready and headed to FWB for the Billy Bowleg Festival. They have ships come in and act out pirate fights in the early evening, but we went in the morning. They were still shooting off canons. We walked around the different vendors and ate lunch and let Nolan play on the kids stuff. It was lots of fun, and VERY HOT!!!!
Here's Nolan & Daddy by the waterfront:
Here's one of those big jumpy-things. I'll think of the name later. Nolan was a bit hesitant at first, but I climbed in with him and sat on the edge and then he was off! He had a blast jumping around and being a total goofball!

This next one was like an upside down V. You climbed to the top on the ladder & then had to slide down the other side, which was just like a gigantic tarp filled with air. We figured Nolan would go up a few steps and then come back down...not so much. He scaled this wall pronto, then got to the top and said, "No. No. No." So Brian and I took turns sliding with him & once got him to go alone...he's pretty brave, in my humble opinion...check out these pictures!

I can't believe I am posting this picture, but I have to admit, if it were the other way around, I would. So I am braving it and putting this totally embarrassing (albeit funny) picture of me. Notice the nice candid photos I take of Brian? And this is the shot he takes of me...I'm so loved! By the way, I had NO CLUE this picture was even taken until I downloaded the pictures to our computer...he's so sneaky!
1 comment:
Nice action shot Sam. Happy Belated Birthday!
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