I had an appointment on base today and both babies were moving around and active and beautiful. They are definitely not shy about showing that they are boys and if we had not wanted to know the sexes, we would be out of luck...they flash us all the time! I am measuring 33 weeks (what a woman carrying one baby would measure), which I am reassured is normal. The doctor prescribed me some medicine for my heartburn, which is nice. I hope to not use it too often, but when I have the heartburn lately, it's so painful and seems so stick around longer and longer.
For those of you that don't know, at our 20 week ultrasound in Pensacola, we discovered Baby B has a heart defect of some kind. He wasn't in a good position, so we go back next week to hopefully learn more. There are a LOT of questions and things up in the air right now, but we have been reassured that, although it is quite serious, it looks like it's also very fixable. He may require surgery within a few days after he is born, and so we will have to be referred to a hospital much farther away from home. I feel a little like we have a thousand puzzle pieces we are supposed to put together, but no way to get started. But we are so grateful that we have been blessed with both babies and are confident God is the ultimate healer and planner. Our appointment is Thursday and if you wouldn't mind, we would so appreciate and welcome your prayers.
On a brighter note, I am feeling the babies kick frequently and Brian has felt them, too. Nolan isn't quite patient enough to "wait" until they kick, but I hope he'll get to feel them soon. He loves to tell people (aka strangers) that I'm having two babies. And that "this time" I'm having two boys, but "next time" I'll be having a boy and a girl. I have no idea where he gets that idea, but its pretty amusing.
Here are a couple pictures of the growing belly. 

You look great! Doctors can do amazing things these days...try not to worry about Baby B's heart. Be thankful you have great health insurance.
Hang in there! Lots of love and prayers your way.
ditto on Keelee's words of wisdom...and you look great! Hang in there!
You look great! Lots of prayers for Baby B.
We will be thinking about you, I do all the time anyway!
You look fanulous as always...I will continue to keep you all in our prayers...miss you all!!
You guys continue to be in our prayers and please always remember we are here to help in any way possible! I am loving that belly, too cute :)
Hi! Google alerts notified me of this blog entry. I have a daughter with a complex CHD - she's a thriving 2.5 year old - into everything and very healthy! I also have a blog that lists lots of links - http://learnaboutchd.blogspot.com - if you want to find support, information, etc. Best of luck with the new babies - extra prayers sent your way from a total stranger!
Many prayers for you and both babies!!!!! You look beautiful!!
Gramma's ,PawPaw's, Mom's,Dad's, Uncle's, Aunt's, Cousins's and the whole bunch are praying constently for Jesus to keep these precious bundles you are carrying safe and sound. I am reading "Overwhelming Odds" by a family in St Louis back in the 80's that had a son burned over 98% of his body and this was a prayer I loved. Trust Him when your thoughts assail you.
Trust Him when your faith is small.
Trust him when, to simply trust Him, Is the hardest thing of all!
Hi, I am one of Brian's old VTCC friends from college and have enjoyed reading your blog! I am praying for you and the babies. Congratulations and many blessings to your family!
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