Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March Nolanisms

  • We were walking into a store and a couple directly in front of us walked in and I had to grab the door from slamming into Nolan and I. As we walked in, RIGHT behind these people Nolan loudly proclaimed, "THOSE PEOPLE DIDN'T HOLD THE DOOR FOR US. THAT'S NOT VERY NICE."
  • We were playing trucks and Nolan said, "Sometimes its hard for me to listen." I chuckled and said, "Oh, really? How come?" And he said, "Because that one time the monster ate me and then I couldn't listen good anymore."
  • At dinner Brian was telling Nolan and I about his day. He told us he had gone to the gym and ran on the track. Nolan became very serious and said, "Daddy, you can't run on a track. You have to watch out for the trains!!"
  • Nolan had an eyelash that he was blowing from his finger and I was explaining what a "wish" was. Then I said, "So, what do you wish for?" And without missing a beat, he said, "I wish I didn't hit or kick anymore." (disclaimer: not that you are the kind of reading audience that judges, but in Nolan's defense, he's truly NOT much of a hitter or kicker, thank goodness!)
  • Brian and Nolan were at Wal-Mart and they were giving out granola bar samples. Brian stopped and asked Nolan, "Would you like a little piece of granola bar?" And Nolan just looked at Brian and said, "No." Pause. "I want a BIG piece."

1 comment:

Cardwell Family News said...

Those are really cute. They made me laugh out loud, Thanks!