Well, last week Brian took a week of leave so we could finish the nursery and get into a routine of sorts. I was able to catch up on some MUCH needed sleep and also chose last week as the last of my pumping/breast milk days. As sad as it makes me, on a must have 3 hour feeding schedule (for Daniel anyway), it's about impossible when I'm by myself. Not to mention I really want to start getting all of us out and about when Brian's at work or Nolan and myself will go crazy! It also gives me extra sleep time at night which is fantastic.
Anyway, last week we also had our first family outing, which I have to admit I was pretty nervous about. We were driving down to Target (about a half hour) and it was around lunch time so we "braved" lunch too. And we even were gutsy enough to go somewhere that didn't offer happy meals. TGIF's. All 3 boys behaved beautifully! Then we went to Target where we fed the twins' for about 45 minutes (while Nolan fed on Target popcorn). Then we shopped for well over an hour and the twins' weren't fussy until the very end, but fell asleep in the van. It was a HUGE accomplishment. Then we did church on Sunday and that went great too. I'm starting to feel human again! :) Albeit exhausted, but human!
Daddy & Nolan at Friday's. Nolan's helping Daddy pay the bill:

Sam, I am soo impressed! Sounds like you guys are adjusting extremely well. I'm very proud of you! Great job and thanks for keeping us up to date with the pictures.
Yay! Just remember - one step (or 2) at a time. Happy to hear that everything is going better day by day!
Love and hugs to all of you, Grammy S
Yay! I know getting out was always huge for us and always helped Abby! Glad to see some more pictures of the boys, they are so cute :-)
Glad the outing went fine. They all look so cute. Wish I could love on them. WooHoo!!! on getting the NG tube out. 6lbs 8 oz; thats 1 oz a day! Keep up the good work Daniel. Nolan,Joseph and Daniel Gramma and PawPaw love and miss you
Gosh I wish I could help you! Although we'd be a mess with 3 babies and 2 active boys! I want pics of the boys' room!!
WoW!! You went out on the town, to church and you posted on the blog.. I am beyond impressed!!! Love the pics and the updates!! Can't wait to see you all!!
--Much love,
Tammi and the boys
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