Goodbye to Daniel's NG Tube (feeding tube)!! At least until next week!! We went to his pediatrician's today and he weighs 6lbs8oz, gaining 7 oz in one week! The doctor told me that was like an adult gaining 20-30 lbs and it was great success. He then said, "lets get that tube out and see if we can get him used to eating with a bottle only."
It's really ironic, though, how much I've come to depend on that tube. It's a love/hate relationship. I hate it because it's a pain and it hurts my baby (makes him uncomfortable at the very least). But I like that it guarantees he's getting proper nutrition and gaining weight. He now weighs more than Nolan did when he was born!
So we are going to trust God that this is the right move and ask for your prayers that Daniel continues to gain weight and really gets the hang of sucking from a bottle.
Hopefully this is the last picture of him with his tube...ironic that he is frowning...he really does hate the tube and pulled it out every few days!

And here he is tube free...doesn't he look happier? And look at those cheeks!!!

Looks awesome!!! This is good news!
huge step forward!!! go daniel go!! i would pull the tube out too!
SO happy for you and Daniel!!!
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