- My dad told Nolan he had eyes in the back of his head. Nolan said, "Nuh-uh!" Pause. "Only Mommy's have that!"
- "When I'm 7 do you wanna buy me some video games? Then when I come in for lunch from playing outside, I won't be sad."
- We were telling Nolan about a friend who is pregnant. Nolan asked, "How many babies is she having?" We said, "She's having one baby." Nolan looked at us, put his hands on his hip and said, "Well we have more than her."
- I read Nolan a card to the family from my mom and dad. After I read it Nolan asked, "Are you supposed to read that every time I sneeze?" I was so confused, so I asked why...he said, "Because the letter says 'God Bless you.'" (My mom always signs letters, "God bless you all..."
- Brian jokingly told Nolan to "watch your mouth." Nolan said, "I can't watch my mouth, I can't even see it."
- When Nolan found out Daniel was having a cardiac catheter procedure because the doctors have to "fix his heart," Nolan said, "Oh. I think his heart is broke because I squeezed him too hard."
- Joseph shook the wine rack (naughty), then immediately came over and kissed us.
- When J is doing something he's not supposed to he covers his mouth with an open palm, as if he's covering his mouth while laughing.
- Joseph has ear piercing screams/shrieks and he does this pretty much all day long. I am hoping this phase passes soon.
- Josephs suddenly terrified of the bath tub, going into hysterics at the sound of the bath.
- When D is done eating food, he'll continue to put food in his mouth, but he'll spit it out then throw it on the floor.
- Daniel suddenly won't eat anything we try to feed him off a spoon or fork. He has to do it 100% himself.
- Daniel loves to dance and sing!
- Daniel can now stand in place and walk all on his own.

Love the isms.. and the blog format...sooooo love it!!
Davilyn went through the shrieking phase.... come to think of it. I think we are still in it, but it isn't constant like it was.
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