- Nolan asked Brian why he was late coming home from work and Brian said, "Well I ran into a hiccup at work." Nolan said, "You mean you laughed too hard? Did you drink some water?"
- "Is the Polar Express in the world I live? When will it pick me up?"
- Nolan sings songs to his brothers every night. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, She'll be Coming around the Mountain and Moon Song.
- Nolan made this song up one night for his brothers: "Close your eyes, be quiet, Don't say anything, not even secrets. Mom's going to go and close your door. Close your eyes, be quiet."
- Nolan said, "...the whole wide furnacy." Translation: Whole wide universe.
- Nolan has a friend at school (and who lives in the neighborhood) named Trenton. They've taken to calling each other "Noly" and "Trenty." I was explaining to Nolan that's called a Nickname. He wanted to know Daddy's nickname, and so I jokingly said, "Studmuffin." Nolan has told everyone...neighbors, teachers, friends, "That's my dad. His nickname is Studmuffin." Studmuffin is now teased daily...oops!
- When Nolan gets dressed for soccer, he says "I have my legs and feet on!" (shinguards and soccer shoes).
- Joseph gets FURIOUS if I don't let him throw his own diapers in the pail.
- J also gets mad if I put his milk in the fridge. He knows to take it from the table to the fridge or dishwasher and wants to "help."
- Joseph mimics almost any and everything Nolan does. If he sees Nolan putting away toys, he'll do the same.
- Joseph has gotten over his fear (mostly) of baths and is back to crying hysterically when bathtime is over.
- When he knows its naptime or bedtime, he'll book it down the hall at full speed, half laughing (mischevious), half crying (he knows his fate).
- Joseph is suddenly obsessed with books (yay)! He wants to be read to all the time, but his favorites are still touch and feel books.
- Danny can say Nolan's name almost perfectly! It sounds like "Nonan." I have a video clip of it, I'll post soon, but its sooooo adorable!
- D has started to fight back. Today, for example, J took something from Daniel and D grabbed both of J's shoulders and just pushed him straight back. Thankfully we were at gymnastics and on a padded floor.
- Daniel has figured out how to climb onto Nolan's train table (Joseph has too). Joy!
- Daniel is coming around in the cuddling department and definitely appreciates a good mommy hug when feelings have been hurt...such a relief!
- I put J in timeout after multiple warnings to stop scraping/hitting a toy against the wall. He was looking up at me with eyes full of tears and I suddenly hear the SAME scraping/hitting noise. I turn to find Daniel, in the same exact spot, same toy, same crime...but with the biggest michevious grin I've ever seen!!