December 1st a package came addressed to Nolan, Joseph & Daniel. The return address? The North Pole! In the package was a box, with a book and a cute little red headed elf. We read the book at bedtime. Apparently our elf was sent by Santa to watch over our boys and check back with Santa to let him know if they are naughty or nice. Nolan liked the name Christopher and his nickname is Chris. If you touch the elf, he loses his magic and every night he finds a new place in the house to sit and in the morning the hunt is on for us to find him. Nolan adores Christopher and has honest to goodness conversations with him. Conversations that he tells me I can't hear. Chris is bringing LOTS of joy and laughter to our home.
Reading the book the first night Christopher arrived. We put Christopher up on Nolan's bookshelf, still in the box when we went to bed. In the morning, Nolan came running into our room shouting, "CHRISTOPHER'S OUT OF HIS BOX!!!!"

Oh your elf is different than ours, he is a little cuter ours is a bit creepy!!! Our elf has not had the energy to pull of any night time shenanigan's yet, especially after a couple of late night (3 AM) moves around the house!!! It is definitely a cute tradition and he is the first thing the girls look for in the morning!!
I agree with you Cheyna . If you have the elf on a shelf like at barnes and noble it is a little creepy. One little girl was unset that it had no feet. This one is really cute!!! Love all his antics.
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