Last week we were out to dinner with some friends and D was not acting himself. I finally realized he was burning up. He wanted to be held and fell asleep on my shoulder, something for him that is unheard of (he is not my cuddler). By morning the fever was better. That night, high again, so the next day off to the ped we went. Fluid in his ear. Antibiotics prescribed. Not a huge deal. Or was it? Daniel was down for the count for days. Wiped out completely. He would wake up, eat breakfast, sit in front of a toy and ask to be picked up, rocked and put to sleep. Even Nolan said, "Mom, he's just staring off, what's the matter with him?" I know even a healthy child or adult who gets sick, often just need sleep. I've seen Nolan and Joseph like this...but it usually lasts for a day or so. This lasted for 3 or 4 days. And for me, it was a reality check. There is a reason the cardiologist gave us a timeline and that the surgery is scheduled for January. There's a reason. His heart is working hard, perhaps overtime and being sick just was too much for him. It broke my heart. It made me feel helpless. Panicked. The cloud came and settled over my own heart. But I'm grateful that he's better. I'm grateful he likes to watch TV, so as you can see in the pictures below was content resting on the couch. I'm grateful that Nolan would join him often, being gentle, putting an arm around him or holding his hand. I'm grateful for the miracle that I have a little boy with a special heart that I get to take care of when he is sick. I get to be his mommy and I'm grateful for that, grateful for each day. Because there were so many days when I was pregnant, when I was unsure if I would ever get to hold him or know him. Now we just need to pray that he stays healthy! Here's a couple pics of our cutie pie, all cozy.
Aw, sorry to hear Daniel was so sick. Its no fun when any of the kiddos are sick, but like you said I am sure it takes on a whole new meaning when its Daniel and there are so many other factors in the mix. I am glad to hear he is feeling better!!!
God, who foresaw your tribulation, has specially armed you to go through it, not without pain but without stain - CS Lewis
Keeping you in my prayers
My words are worthless to your extraordinary circumstances. Just know our thoughts are with you all and we like everyone else hope for better and brighter days. Many, many of them. Julie
you have such special and caring friends!!!! So glad to hear he is recovering. Wish Gramma could be there to cuddle with him. Kisses and hugs to all.
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