- After time out one day, Nolan told me "While I was in timeout an angel was holding my arm."
- He told me one afternoon, in regards to something he was eating, "I'm not a forn." I said, "Do you mean, you're not a fan?" And he said, "Yeah, thats what I meant, I'm not a fan."
- Nolan has begun to talk with his hands ALOT. He uses hand gestures for every story and they are pretty dramatic.
- Nolan asked why superman does not wear pants.
- Two nights before Christmas Nolan got very upset at bedtime and cried and cried, convinced Santa wasn't coming because he was sure he was on the naughty list. He kept asking why God only made God perfect, and why he couldn't be perfect so he could be on the nice list. That led us down a road of explaining that trying your best does put you on the nice list and is what God wants us to do.
- This week Nolan told me, "Mom, I love Daniel better than Joseph. He's my favorite." (I feel I should add that we talked further about this, but I am curious over the years how many times his favorite brother will change)!
- When the boys take a bath, Joseph grabs the shampoo and pretend pours it on D's head, then proceeds to "wash" it.
- Daniel is a WILD child in the tub, splashing his brothers crazily, laughing and getting away with it becasue quite frankly, they love it!
- Joseph can be absolutely the meanest child I've ever seen to Daniel. It shocks me how violent he can be and the fact that its just instinct. If he wants to sit in a chair D is sitting in, I've seen him pull Danny by the neck, ear and head (different occassions) off the chair. If he wants a toy that D has, I've watched him slap D across the face!! He sits in time out at least 5 times a day, and that helps, but its also funny to me that by 18 months he knows exactly what time out is, to stay sitting and that afterwards he gets a hug.
- On the flip side, so you don't think J-bear is a monster, he babies Daniel daily, as if instead of his twin, D is the baby brother. He follows him with food and tries to feed him, brings him his sippy cup, will chase him down the hallway to give him his favorite toy, pats him on the head, kisses him, helps him climb furniture.
- Joseph can open the fridge and so now he goes in and gets his sippy of milk and puts it back when he's done. Kind of frustrating, kind of cute...
- J&D love to play in their cribs and talk at night, naps and mornings. Every night they ask to go in each other's cribs and on the rare occassion I let them, they laugh and play and bounce...and then both bawl when I seperate them.
- They put their legs through the crib slats facing each other and "chat"
- If J runs out of water/milk and I have to refill his cup, I have to pretend to refill D's because he feels jipped, even if his isn't gone.

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