I'm waaay behind on blogging. I know that most of you follow me on facebook or know from personal calls/emails that Daniel came home Monday. But on the off chance you didn't know and were perhaps worried, I'm truly sorry that we didn't update sooner!
Here are some pictures I was able to take while we were still at the hospital. It was so amazing, so humbling and so amazing to watch the process of Daniel healing.
This was in the ICU. He was awake and watching cartoons (Nolan thought that was the coolest).
Grandma and Daniel:

My first time holding him post surgery. Later this afternoon (Thursday) he was released out of ICU to the regular floor.
A picture from Nolan, Grandma & Joseph, hanging in his crib.
This is a picture taken Friday, when he was awake, not quite smiling and himself, but starting to feel better.
Slowly feeling better...enough to want a toy to play with.
This was Saturday. After a VERY long Friday night dealing with bowel movements that were slow and unbelievably painful for Daniel, Saturday was a good, good day and the start of better things to come...and here's a smile to prove it!
By Saturday afternoon he was completely off oxygen and doing GREAT! I got him dressed and Brian, his parents and the boys came to have dinner with us. We got pizza and ate in a family/game room on the main floor. Daniel loved seeing everyone and was able to walk with some assistance. We had cookies for dessert, courtesy of Tammy, Scott and their clan! They sent us a cookie bouquet!! So so awesome and the boys LOVED it!!

See how cute the cookie bouquet is??? Thank you so so so much Tammy & Scott!!!
By Sunday D was chowing down! And loving this "eat in bed & watch TV" thing. And one on one time with Mommy. And flirting with nurses. He probably would have been released, but they wanted to watch his tummy and make sure there were no more issues.

Ice cream at every meal...totally deserved, my sweet friend!!!
This is how D cruised the halls!
I wish there weren't a glare, but you can see D standing. He would walk around this and was also caught trying to do summersaults. This was Monday, by the way, but even Sunday he was a wild man in his bed.
Shortly after this pic was taken we got released to go home. I'll have to do another post on the transition and how Daniel has done, but overall, its been great. I want to thank each and every one who has prayed for us, thought of us, fought for us, supported for us, remembered us, called, emailed, passed a kind word along with one of our parents. Each means the world. So often people ask, "How do you do it?" Well, I could indeed write a whole post about how you just do...how do you breathe? You just do! But that being said, I certainly couldn't do it well without the amazing support we recieve. A special and huge thanks to my wonderful mother and father in law for staying with us and taking care of things at the homefront so we could focus on Daniel. So many thank you's to be said...but especially, thank GOD for one each day with our family. Thank you, thank you, thank you.....
Sam, thanks so much for the update. I am just thrilled to hear that Daniel is doing so well.
I follow your blog and I have always wanted to tell you that I admire your strength. I just adore your little Daniel. He has really impacted my life in such a positive way. Thank you for all of your posts.
xoxo, Kara (AKA Keelee's sister)
We are so happy to hear this!!! I think about your boys often.. I think they are just two weeks younger than Ky. Thank you for the update! I know Kara was texting me asking if you guys were okay!
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