- We were in the middle of a restaurant and Nolan asked, in his normal doesn't- know -how to -whisper -voice, "Mom, how come even though the babies don't drink your milk anymore your...a word I'm not supposed to say...you know, your things are still so much bigger than daddy's or mine?"
- Nolan was in the bathroom with Brian combing his hair and he saw my hair bobby pin with the jewel on it. He asked “What is this for?”Brian told him it was to hold up Mommy’s hair since her hair is long. He laughed and said “Mommy’s not Rapunzel!”
- At school they were talking about angels. He told his teachers, "I have an angel, its my mommy!"
- We told Nolan he had to go jump in the bath and he said, "I can't do that! If I jump in the tub, I might get hurt."
- Both boys have a very defined, and adorable, "Uh-ohhh." They especially like to say it when they throw food on the floor on purpose.
- After every nightime lullaby, Joseph claps.
- When D became more aware of his surroundings after surgery, he was very definite in his "yes" nods. He had done this before, but it was a HUGE help post surgery ("would you like a drink? Are you hungry? etc)...
- Post surgery, even when D was still drowsy, he began blowing me kisses almost immediately. For my baby who is the least cuddly of them all, this was a very, very special gift from God.
- J & D both can nod yes, or shake their head no.
- They can sign "I love you." There has been about 3 times in the last couple days where Joseph, UNPROMPTED, has walked up to me and done the sign for "I love you." Makes all the frustrating moments in my day more than worth it.
- Nolan leads us in grace at dinner and we always hold hands. The babies are now both participating, by grabbing our hands. We now have a full family circle of ten hands interwined and at the end when N claps and says, "Yay God! Yay, Jesus" the twins happily clap and giggle proudly.

I just wanted you to know that I just love your kid-isms, I do truely enjoy them :)
yes I noticed those last few days that we were there that the twins did start holding hands with all of us. It was so special!!!!
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