- I get see you wave and blow kisses to everyone you meet.
- I get to be the one who comforts you and hold you at every doctors appointment. The moment I get you out of your stroller you start crying and it breaks my heart, but I love when you nestle your sweet head in my shoulders and snuggle away your fears.
- I get to see you tell me you "love me" with sign language and spoken "toddler" language.
- I get to hear you call cookies, "tee-tee's" just like Nolan did.
- I get to see your face light up when I walk in the room in the mornings and after nap.
- I get to see you scream "Daddy" at the end of each work day and tackle Daddy with hugs.
- When I have a night or day away, I get to see your face light up, hear "mommy" and I get the special welcome home tackle/hug.
- I get random and unasked for kisses from you multiple times a day. This one deserves to be on my list of blessings multiple times!!!
- I get to sing "moon, moon, moon" to you every nap and nighttime and you now love to snuggle on my shoulder.
- I get to watch you make your own path and think for yourself regardless of what your brothers want you to do.
- I get to watch you kiss your brothers.
- I get to try to etch that magical smile you have upon my heart.
- I get to watch you play ring around the rosie with your brothers.
- I get to watch you delight in all dogs.
- I get to muffle my laughs and discipline you when you've had enough of Joseph's bullying and put the smack down by simply grabbing his ear and refusing to let go.
- I get to see those piercing blue eyes every single day.
- I get crinkly nose smiles that melt my heart.

Joseph, because I'm your mommy...
- I get to be the momma to my momma's boy.
- I get to smell your sweet toddler breath each morning.
- I get to wipe your tears away.
- I get to watch you say "Day-Day" and point, always wanting Daniel by your side (even if its just to fight).
- I get to try to figure out how that mind of your works, always thinking and pondering and going.
- I get to listen to you scream for bubbles multiple times a day and delight in the purest joy in the world at blowing bubbles.
- I get to watch you grab Daniels hand and run around laughing.
- I get to referee the two of you, and often the three of you.
- I get to run my hands through those curls of yours.
- I get to give butterfly kisses. And eskimo kisses. And momma kisses. And the best part is I get them in return (this is for you and both your brothers)!
- I get to watch you mimick any and everything Nolan says and does.
- I get to watch you streak down the hallway in your toddler pj's, laughing in delight.
- I get to cuddle with you at night while singing "moon, moon" and then cover you with your blanket just right.
- I get to carry you often and snuggle you, simply because you are a snuggler.
- I get to see you put your hand up in the air for me to hold and have you squeeze that beautiful little hand around my finger and walk along our way.

Nolan, because I'm your mommy...
- I still get to sing the pancake song to you every night and scratch your back.
- I get asked to stay after the song and cuddle with you. There are too many nights I drift to sleep in your bed, content and at peace being next to my firstborn sweet son who is growing up too fast.
- I get to go to kindergarten orientation meetings.
- I get to watch you fight with your brothers.
- I get to watch you teach your brothers and be patient with your brothers way more often than I see you fight with them.
- I get asked to go on dates with you.
- I get jewelry from you on special occassions, like today when you gave me a beautiful necklace and earrings.
- I get to listen to you creep in to our room every so often in the middle of the night and then hear, "Mommy? Can I sleep in your guyses bed?"
- I get to answer alot of questions.
- I get to laugh and laugh and laugh. I never knew being a mommy would make me laugh so much.
- I get to listen to your laughter from the front of the van when you and Trenton, your best pal, are being super silly on our way home from school.
- I get pictures for my fridge that make me so proud I could burst.
- I get to see you play t-ball and my heart lurches at the memory of myself, in a red jersey just like yours and how it all must go so very fast.
- I get to snuggle during movie and popcorn time.

Nolan. Joseph. Daniel. You are my heart. There are so many days that feel so long because its exhausting trying to keep up with you. But no day passes without laughter and hugs and kisses. No day passes that I don't thank God for you. I hope that I am getting this right. I feel like even though the days are long, the months and years are not and I want to stomp on the clock and tell it to slow down. My babies. Even my babies are growing out of babyhood and into toddlers and soon into boys. When you grew in my stomach and I felt that miraculous joy, I couldn't imagine that you would ever grow up. Would any of us have children if we grasped that we would have to let you grow up? And yet, I cherish the growing, the learning and the memories. And I cherish and adore the three of you uniquely and differently and equally. I love you boys. I adore you. Thank you for making me a mother. Love, Mommy
1 comment:
This post is always a tear jerker! Happy Mothers Day yo one of the best Momma's I know!!!
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