Saturday, July 30, 2011


I have missed two months of kid-isms. I'm ashamed of myself!! Okay, try to attempt catch up and try to be better about this!!

NOLAN: -Calls a sandwhich with mayonnaise on it a "manny sandwhich" -When Nolan realized we were moving into a house with an extra bedroom he was very excited and said, "Now people can come stay in our customer room!" -Nolan likes to say, "Where's my pretty lady?" about his momma ;)

JOSEPH: -Asks for a hug by saying, "Ug, ug" -Likes to run away from us. Fast. He starts...looks back to make sure we see, then bolts away. Its terrifying. -Thankfully, Joseph is very good about stopping when I say there's a car and refusing to off a sidewalk without holding my hand.

DANIEL: -If I leave the room for even one minute and come back in, D screams, "Momma!" with a HUGE grin on his face and comes at me with a hug. -Will grab Joseph's shirt and not let go, just to make him mad.

- Photobucket

Monday, July 25, 2011

Fourth of July

I think that 4th of July will always be very sentimental to me. It was the due date of the twins and only days before 4th of July 09, we brought D home from the hospital. I gasp when I see this family picture, I always think I'm holding small and tiny. Then I see its Brian holding sweet baby who was not even 5 lbs when we brought him home! Holy moly, what a time we had. I wouldn't go back to those days...and yet, I'm sad they are passed. And I would trade them for NOTHING!!

Our family of 5 4th of July, 2009. As stated, I'm holding Joseph & Bri's holding D. 4th of July, 2010.
And 4th of July, 2011. We were in the process of moving, but were able to enjoy some bbq with good friends. My goodness, what a difference two years makes!!!!! Nolan seems like such a kid now, not the baby he was. I love my boys, my family...I am so blessed!

Friday, July 22, 2011


So, we have friends that I've mentioned here on my blog often, Erica and Brien, who have two sweet little girls. The youngest (Cami) is the twins age. Their oldest, Callie, is three. The twins love both of them, but I've noticed Daniel and Cami have a strong bond and Joseph and Callie enjoy playing together alot. Back when T-ball was still going on, we would bring snacks and kid chairs, bubbles, and what not and the four of them would play together during the game. Stick with me, I have a point.

This is Callie, telling Joseph all about her pretty shoes. She was so stinkin' proud of them...and rightly so, they are super adorable.

This was Joseph's reaction:

I guess he has a bit to learn about pretending to care about such things in the interest of the ladies!

Ice Cream

While Gramma and Paw Paw were visiting, we had to take them out for ice cream. I often tell Brian, one thing about Boston is that they take their ice cream seriously! And Daniel takes HIS ice cream seriously. Mmmm... Paw Paw was not disappointed. The twins were doing their hugging game with Grandma. They run full speed away, turn, give a michevious smile and then run back for a tackle/hug. Obviously Gramma didn't like this game AT ALL ;)
They have a huge tree that Nolan loves to climb after his ice cream is gone, melted or dropped.
My boys!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Preschool Grad

Yep, its official. Nolan is a kindergartner. I refuse to be mushy about this. Yet. This is a picture of all the preschoolers. You can't see Nolan very well, but I like how he's waving. Or its another kid waving and it looks like his arm. I'm not exactly sure, so I'm just going to go with he was waving at me.
J-bear clapping for Nolan.
Gramma & PawPaw were there to celebrate, too!
Daniel was enjoying a snack while waiting for the ceremony. Teacher's gifts...
I figured the last day would be hectic, so the day before I brought the camera and snapped pics of Nolan and his two main teachers. This is Miss Brown. Miss Beek. Nolan was very smitten with her! We're so so so proud of you, Nolan. Look out world!

Summer Bash

I have been a blogging slacker lately. The week of June 24th, we moved houses and are now in a house with a bit more room and storage for our family! Yay! I'll have pictures of that to come, but that week we were obviously super busy. The next week disappeared into a black hole when I got bronchotis and pharyingitus. That was a miserable few days and I was lucky to get my kids fed, much less unpack or update my blog. So...I am going to try really hard this week to catch up!! In mid-June, the base had their annual Summer Bash. The weather was not in our favor, but we went and played anyway and just accepted we were going to get a bit wet! We were sad the fireworks were cancelled, but it was a fun night.

Nolan was very happy to enjoy a snocone. Before dinner... The airplane was a HUGE hit with Joseph. Daniel refused to try, but J went on a few times!
All the boys had a turn on the slide (the twins with us), but I didn't get pics. I did, however, get a picture of Erica with her girls. Weeee!