NOLAN: -Calls a sandwhich with mayonnaise on it a "manny sandwhich" -When Nolan realized we were moving into a house with an extra bedroom he was very excited and said, "Now people can come stay in our customer room!" -Nolan likes to say, "Where's my pretty lady?" about his momma ;)
JOSEPH: -Asks for a hug by saying, "Ug, ug" -Likes to run away from us. Fast. He starts...looks back to make sure we see, then bolts away. Its terrifying. -Thankfully, Joseph is very good about stopping when I say there's a car and refusing to off a sidewalk without holding my hand.DANIEL: -If I leave the room for even one minute and come back in, D screams, "Momma!" with a HUGE grin on his face and comes at me with a hug. -Will grab Joseph's shirt and not let go, just to make him mad.