Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Dinner with Jake & Jamie

The bay by their house (where we can park our boat if Brian gets his way):
The three of us in front of the beach by their house:
Friday, May 26, 2006
Fun in The Sun

But Bryant & Evan were able to hang a little bit longer...Meanwhile, the rest of the gang (aka, moms & dads) enjoyed a FABULOUS meal. I didn't know crab legs could taste the way these did. They were out of this world! And we had a window seat facing the ocean. It was beautiful!
Here's a pic of the Hall's, Brian & Nolan (in the Halls backpack/highchair that they were kind enough to lend us):
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Congratulations Beth & Sam!!

1st view of the water
This is our first full day, when we went onto Eglin Air Force Base.
Brian and I (self portrait)!
Nolan's first time at the water (he looks pretty happy!)Later that night we met Jake & Jamie at a restaurant on Okaloosa Island and ate at this AWESOME shrimp place. After dinner we went for a moonlit stroll on the beach. It is so great having them here!
More St. Louis Pics...

Morgan & Sarah (silly, gorgeous girls):

Meet Me in St. Louis
Look at these boys!
Our gracious hosts, Mik & Miranda, snuggle a very tired Nolan:
Such a Helper

And look, he had to nap in the kitchen while the packers were there. What a trooper!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Poor Landry (okay, and poor Samuel)

Air Force Going Away

Here's the boys, posing (aka making fun of the kissy face) during their cigar break:
Amanda, Myself & Kim
Sara & Nolan:
Tammi & Nolan:
When Kim & Tammi hijacked my camera (you didn't really think I wouldn't blog this, did you?)
Ron, Sam, Brian ("Snaps"), & Amanda:
And a picture of the fam (right before Nolan went to sleep, as he is in his 'jammers):
LCCC Going Away
And here's Jeanne & Nolan: (she talked to NOlan so much in the womb, I think he knew her voice better than mine):
Who's that Lady in the Mirror?