Brian and I figured a fun get together was in order to celebrate his coming home, but we wanted things to be very casual and low key so that we could really enjoy everyone's company and just kick back and relax. So we decided to throw a 40 oz Friday party. Those of you who knew us in Cheyenne remember this party well. Or maybe you don't, but we can't be held responsible for that. We sent out invites with the instructions to dress redneck and so our party really blossomed into a full on Redneck Party! Everyone got into it a lot, which is why it was such a hoot and I have no doubt this will be an annual party. We ordered pizza and served snacks that fit the ticket. I think the pictures will do most of the explaining. We had a FANTASTIC time and we're really grateful to our friends for coming and hanging out!!! We feel beyond blessed!!! We were sad a handful of folks were sick and couldn't make it, but we hope to see them in the very near future!
Kypp and Neda. Notice Neda's "pregnant belly"! Hilarious! She is so creative and even made a belly button that poked out!

The kiddos enjoying some pizza! Do you like Nolan's tattoo and do-rag??

The three hooters girls, I know my dad's going to kill me. But Abby's shirt takes the adorable cake ("future hooters girl")
Dan, Stacy & their youngest (of 3), Brandon:

Okay, if there were a contest, I think that this baby would have won. Donovan's adorable even with a mullet!!!! I am so bummed I didn't get a family shot of the 3 them!!

Myself (sporting my scorpion tattoo), Neda & Cheyna:

Kypp, Brian & Rob:
This is Tim and Becky and Friday was our first time meeting (Tim and Andrew work together). I was relieved that they were as crazy as us and that we didn't scare them away (yet).
Rob, Andrew and "pregnant" Hooters girl Cheyna:
The snacks. The dessert tray was compliments of Chey & Andrew. Neda and I had the same idea about the "fancy" cheese and crackers!

Part of the crowd. Chris, Nadine (another girl who dressed up pregnant) Rob, Becky, Tim, Andrew, Chey, Brian, Neda & Kypp. So...yeah, this was later in the night. What can I say?