Wednesday, January 09, 2008

I Hate Bugs

I am a girly girl. Bugs of pretty much any kind freak me out and give me the eeby jeebies. Not a fan at all. But the bug I hate the most would have to be the stomach bug. Nolan was hit with it late Sunday afternoon and it was sad and scary, since he had never thrown up before. He was back to himself by Monday, but by 4 Am Tuesday it had struck me, and I think it hit me much harder. Actually, I know it did, but it still could have been much worse. Yesterday was pretty much the miserable, but I had to be reminded that I would survive (because you know at the time you honestly feel like you might not?). Nolan was a CHAMP yesterday and was so sweet about letting me lie in bed and on the couch all day. I tried to play with him, but it was in short intervals and he was happy to watch Cars and Polar Express multiple times. For a two year old who has been cooped up for a few days because of him being sick and finally feeling 100% with the sun shining, that's no easy feat. Today I have what seems like a lingering cough, but I feel human again and I am hoping we will be able to get out of the house and do SOMETHING. ANYTHING!! Hope the stomach bug stays far, far away from all of you, I wouldn't wish this yuck on my worst enemy!


Unknown said...

That bug must have jumped from my house to yours! Hope you get to do something fun!

The Vrabecs said...

I'm sorry you guys were both so sick! I am happy that you all are feeling better now!!

Mom Mc said...

Glad to hear
Nolan is feeling better, but sad to hear that you got it also. Good that you are on the road to recovery. When we were talking on the phone and you had to hang up quick was Nolan throwing up again? Poor Babies! Love to all.

Kim and Matt said...

Oh my goodness, Sam. You poor things. There's nothing worse than being sick with a toddler. :( Glad to know you are feeling better now.

Bethalow said...

So sorry Sam! We all got the same thing over Christmas and I STILL have that terrible cough! (I think that is separate from the pukie think though---in my case.) I hope you are all 100% very soon!