Monday was a fantastic day...Brian came home and made our family complete once again. It is still surreal that he is home, but obviously fantastic. He's on base right now in-processing and then we have him all to ourselves for TWO WEEKS! Whoo hoo! Brian looks fantastic and he and Nolan are re-bonding wonderfully. Nolan is loving it and adores his Daddy to pieces, and in fact he took to Brian way quicker (within seconds of seeing him) than either of us thought he would. Here are some pictures of our homecoming to hold you over for a while. It may be some time before I post, but who knows? I wish I better words to describe how we're feeling right now. I'll admit it's an adjustment because we're both so used to doing things "on our own." But it's also terribly romantic, like we're on a first date or something. I forgot how Brian can make me laugh with a single glance. I forgot how warm his hand on the back of my neck feels and how protected I feel. I forgot how stinkin' organized he is...okay, I didn't forget, but I laugh at how he is going around the house getting things in order, all the while with a sheepish grin. I forgot how watching your husband and your son play and laugh together can make you feel like the wealthiest person in the world. I'll let you know how many other things I forgot...or at least pushed to the back of my mind while he was away to make it more bearable. Brian, we're so so proud of you. You are amazing and awesome and you are our hero.
This picture is fuzzy for a reason. I am snapping a shot of Nolan holding the sign and Brian just comes waltzing around the corner. I wasn't expecting him for another 5 minutes or so, and obviously we were going to be perched standing with our signs and flags. You can see Brian's legs in the photo. The pic is of course fuzzy because as soon as I saw him I started jumping up to hug and kiss him!

Our family!
Daddy and Nolan goofing off at lunch. Brian chose Firehouse Subs for his first meal of choice and I don't blame him at all!! It was yummy as always!
You can tell from these photos that Nolan's not over the moon for Brian or anything.
A kiss for Daddy!
i have no words to describe how happy i am for your family being together again--it is the worst when we military families are apart and the best when we are reunited!
we've certainly been looking forward to this post!!!!! yay!
That is so exciting to have him home! YEAH! I like your blog!
Yay! Welcome home Brian, we have missed you around Crestucky! Enjoy your time with the fam and we can't wait to catch up with you!!
Chey, Andrew and Abby
SOOOO Happy to see pictures of your homecoming Brian! We are so glad to see you back with Sam and Nolan. The post made me tear up, Sam. I'm just so happy for you all!!!!!!! :)
Love to you!!
Oh yay! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
WOO HOO!!!!!! Our baby is home safe and sound! Can't wait to hear from you. We are waiting patiently till you get settled in. Love to all, Mom and Dad
Ditto ditto... your post made me cry... and I was so waiting for this post... I expected it to be delayed but I was anxious... welcome home Brian... :) This is such a wonderful thing!!
Thank you for your service to our country Brian, the sacrifice does not go unappreciated!
Love you all!
That is wonderful news! We are so glad you all are together and safe. Enjoy this special time. And let us know when you are coming to SOS.
Julie, Bryan and Hudson
It warms my heart to see your family whole again! Welcome home Brian!
I am so glad Brian is home again! Enjoy this time all together again!
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