Tara & I:Emily & Ben:
Tara got the first slice of Emily's out of this world cake:
Dan, Brian & Rob:
All the ladies!
Mark, Shelley, Mark's mom (in the back) and his sister. Thanks for your sacrifices Mark & Shelley and for a great party!!
Tara & I:Emily & Ben:
Tara got the first slice of Emily's out of this world cake:
Dan, Brian & Rob:
All the ladies!
Mark, Shelley, Mark's mom (in the back) and his sister. Thanks for your sacrifices Mark & Shelley and for a great party!!
I thought I was losing my mind a little bit at a time. I was right. But it's not because I'm suddenly thirty.
It's Nolan's fault. Oh sure, he looks all sweet and innocent. But he's smart. And cunning. And mischievous.
I kept wondering why in the world my vacuum would suddenly go off. It was like I tugged it just enough that it wouldn't come out of the wall, but enough that it stopped. It was driving me crazy. WRONG. Nolan was actually the driver of the crazy bus. As I was vacuuming and rounding a corner today I happened to glance back. I suppose to him it looked like I was already around the corner. He was pulling the cord out...just enough to turn the vacuum off. He knew he was in trouble when I used his middle name. So he froze (GUILTY LOOK). Then paused, looked around and proceeded to tap the wall around the plug as if to say, "What? All I was doing was tapping this wall. What else would I be doing? SEE?? I'M NOT BEING NAUGHTY!"
Did I mention he hates when I vacuum? Sigh. So...I have some good pictures from the weekend. I'll get to them, I really will. If I ever finish vacuuming...
When discussing "The Guy" it should be noted that Brian and I almost always use air quotation marks because "The Guy" is what Nolan calls him. You know, "The Guy" that lives in our house. The one that seems to appear when Nolan is in trouble or not up to going to bed. Suddenly he's scared of "The Guy." I'll admit I'm not crazy about "The Guy" because for the most part, Nolan is fairly convincing. I'll ask Nolan where? And he'll say, "RIGHT THERE!" so stinkin' seriously that I'm almost afraid to turn around and look over my shoulder. Ridiculous, right? Maybe so, but it still creeps me out.
So yesterday Nolan decided it would be fun to put one of his race cars in the VCR. Boy, was he proud. And later, from what he told me, he managed to put my debit card in there, but thankfully decided that wasn't so smart and took it out and gave it back to me. I didn't even know it had gone missing until then. So, anyway, I pulled out the camera to have a chat with Nolan about how, although he thinks the car in the VCR is hilarious, it's actually very NOT funny and is naughty. While I was filming, "The Guy" comes into play. The first part of the clip is not all that exciting, but give it a minute, and you'll most likely get a chuckle out of the story Nolan weaves. I am still truly unsure if he has an imaginary friend or if he is flat out telling me a total lie thinking I'll believe it. I kind of think it's a little bit of both.
Brian setting up the scoreboard with Nolan's help:
Watching his ball go. After awhile he caught on and would say (regardless of it's direction), "Look, that one's right down the middle!"
Brian and I nearly busted a gut laughing when we saw this commercial last night. We had to rewind it and watch it again and I was still wiping tears out of my eyes the second time around!
Nolan and Abby in the pool. There were many different ways they fell invented going down the slide.
Ben and Brian:
Jamie & Donovan (I can't believe he's almost 1!!):
Becca, Wes & John watching fireworks:
Jason & Angela:
Jake, Rob, John & Brian playing washers:
The true professional washer players!
Mommy's & Kiddos watching fireworks:
Andrew and his neighbor shot off some AWESOME fireworks, but look at the fireworks going off here!!!