Last Thursday we were able to help Donovan celebrate turning 1 by going to Hooter's. It's every father's little boys fantasy! Donovan was totally loving it and everyone there was loving him. He's such a cutie pie! Saturday we went to his house for his birthday party and Nolan had a great time, as did all the kiddos!
Donovan with the Hooter gals:

Jamie emailed me this picture, it was on his way home from Hooter's, it's so adorable!

Jamie & the sweet birthday boy:

A family shot, amid some present opening:

Singing Happy Birthday. Jamie made carrot cake and it was sooo good!! I misplaced my camera by the time Donovan started REALLY enjoying the cake!

Here's the effort at a group shot of the kids. As you can see, Nolan was thrilled.

Here's why he was mad...he wasn't sitting next to Abby. So now that he can sit next to her, we are more than welcome to take a picture.

And Nolan snuck over the gate to give Kutcher a kiss. He just loves her!
Looked like a great time. Wow look at all the kiddos. Nolan is changing so much. He is loosing his chubby little cheeks in that last pic. Boy do we all miss you all!!!! Dec just seems so far away. It will be 8 mo without seeing you 3. Wish we could get back down there before then. BOO HOO! Love, Gramma and Paw Paw
I have to say the hubby thought a Hooter's kids birthday party was a fab idea.. I cannot belive that he is a year already... where does the time go?
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