Next week Nolan will embark on his newest adventure, and I guess you could say I will, too. He is enrolled in preschool two days a week, for 5 hours each day. That's 10 hours a week. When I toured the facility back in May with Cheyna, I had no plans whatsoever of doing this. I didn't think he was old enough and I feel guilty being a stay at home mom, putting my son in school twice a week. But when I saw the preschool, and walked around and saw the kids and more importantly, saw Nolan loving the place, I had a big change of heart. By saving in gas not driving him to Niceville for Mom's Day Out, it almost makes up for the price difference and I get two days instead of one. And now that the summer is coming to an end, I feel more than ever that he is not only ready, but that he will really thrive from this environment. I'm really excited and yet, I'm a Momma, so I am a little sentimental at the idea of him going to "school." Last week was his last Mom's Day Out. I am so grateful to that program for so many reasons. It forced me to let other adults have an influence in his life and they did so amazing and he learned wonderful things. I will miss Miss Ika and Miss Naomi and Miss Debbie & Miss Norma and I know Nolan will, too. While Brian was deployed I don't know what I would have done without Mom's Day Out. I'm sure I would have survived just the same, but with less sanity, I think. Anyway, this wasn't meant to be this long of a post. I couldn't help snapping a picture of Nolan and Abby on their last day together at Mom's Day Out. Of course neither would hold still at the same time, but that's the beauty of them. And yes, Abby and Nolan will be in the same class in preschool. I'm praying they'll have as much fun as we're anticipating! So farewell, Mom's Day Out and farewell to this part of my baby boy's childhood that I will always, always hold dear to my heart.
I have mixed emotions about this too! I am just glad that they will have each other, and I think they are more than ready for the next step. WE will probably have more of a hard time adjusting than the kiddos!!
I was hesitant to start Austin in last year just as you. I actually started him 4 months into the school year and to be honest, it is the greatest decision I have made for our little guy. You will be amazed at how wonderfully they change once they begin school. It'll only take a week for you to get adjusted. Then sit back and enjoy momma. Have fun Nolan!
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