- Nolan for a long time referred to anything that was in the past and not today as "yesternight." And he would usually preface it with, "Remember, yesternight...?"Just recently he has changed all of his past tense stories to "A couple weeks ago." "Remember, a couple weeks ago...?"
- Being new at going potty, there is lots of exciting times in the bathroom. He recently went and was very excited and shouted, "Momma, come look. There's a Momma poop, a Daddy poop, and a Baby poop! Ohhh, the baby poop is so cute." I couldn't make this up if I tried. Then when we flushed he waved good-bye to all of them by name.
- Lately when I get frustrated with Nolan (usually when we're trying to get out the door to go somewhere), he just holds up on of his hands to me and says, "Easy. Just chill out." I can't help but laugh!
- Nolan loves to ask where things are, like people's doctors, houses, etc. Yesterday he was standing in our room and randomly asked Brian where Dylan's house was. Brian pointed that direction and said, "You just drive that way to get to Dylan's house." Nolan's response was a very lively, "No Daddy, you can't drive through the walls!!"
- I got my toes painted brown (for fall) and since it's been way too long since I've done my toenails Nolan got very confused. He asked, "Where are your red nails?" And I said, I had them painted a different color, brown. He thought a minute and said, "So where did you put your other red nails?" I had to get some nail polish out to explain the logistics of it all, so he wouldn't think I had a drawer full of toes in different shades.
- Nolan will try to scam/talk his way out of time out anyway he can. This morning he was crying and said he was "scared." I told him I was in the kitchen and turned on the light while he finished his time out. When he got finished, he told me, "I had a scary dream in time out. It was realllly scary."
- Every time Nolan gets in trouble lately he tells us, "You hurt my feelings." Which actually sounds like this, "You hurt my feeewings." The first couple times it was cute, but now he uses it as an excuse instead of listening to what he did wrong, so we told him he can't say that when he's in trouble (to which he responds, "But you hurt my feewings and that makes me sad.")
Sunday, November 30, 2008
November's Nolanisms
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Jamie, Jake, Donovan and Olivia: The big people table:
The kid table:

Turkey Man:
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Open Gymnastics

Monday, November 24, 2008
Thanksgiving Lunch

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Nolan's Day
We had a hard time getting Nolan to look at us, he was pretty enthralled with Santa.

Thursday, November 20, 2008
Saying Good-Bye


Monday, November 17, 2008
Nolan's Bday Party

Brycen:Cameron on the rope:
Nolan on the bar:
The kids eating pizza & Cake:
The cake. Brian and I made this Friday night and it took way longer than I would have expected, but we had a great time. Brian crafted the cake platter, which is engineer quality (the store only sold them in 6 packs and were priced ridiculously and weren't half as sturdy). We crushed up oreos for the road (which we put down over white icing in the shape of the 3) and used the scraped off middle oreo cream as the white lines in the road. The grass is icing, piped by yours truly. It was all worth it to see Nolan's face, he was over the moon for the cake. I know I'm not being very modest here, and I apologize, but Brian and I worked pretty hard and were so happy with the outcome!
I couldn't fit all the way behind the chair (there's a bench back there), so this isn't the best angle for a family, and of course Nolan's not looking, but you get the idea!

Gift opening. Nolan was totally spoiled and we are so grateful for awesome, amazing friends!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Happy 3rd Birthday Nolan

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Party In My Tummy

Friday, November 07, 2008
One more Halloween Post

Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Trick Or Treat

Ms. Skunk & Mr. Dragon.
Dragon & Skunk holding hands. I wish you could see it, but the little heart on the skunk's toosh says "Little Stinker." Too cute!
Pumpkin Carving

Finished product:Nolan had no problem sticking his hands in and scooping out the insides!