Last Thursday Nolan's preschool hosted a Thanksgiving lunch that the parents were invited to attend. Unfortunately Brian couldn't make it, but I was able to go and it was really fun to see Nolan in action at school a bit and to share lunch with him. He seemed really excited, too. After lunch the kids sang a turkey song, but Nolan got really upset, I think because he realized I was leaving again. He never gets upset when I drop him off, but I think he was under the impression that when I showed up, it was time go home. I felt bad that I hadn't thought to explain that to him before I dropped him off that morning. Oh well, I enjoyed hearing his teacher and the other kids sing the song and I know he calmed down as soon as I left (I waited around the corner to be sure). Anyway, it was a really special lunch and although I'm sure Nolan will forget about it, I'll always treasure it!
Nolan, Abby & classmates right before they sang their "thank you" song they sing before lunch every day.

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