Dearest Nolan,
This year has been no exception to the rule that time goes quicker when you have children. Somehow, while I was trying to survive the "terrible two's" you were well on your way to outgrowing them and the year flew by. It has been a year full of firsts, a year full of laughter thanks to you, a year full of discoveries and a year full of wonder as your Daddy and I can't get over how much you take in, remember and learn...and how quickly you do it. Your language skills took flight this past year and you talk so much that we joke about what we listened to before you started speaking. You started speaking in full sentences sometime this year and on many occasions strangers have commented on how well you speak for your age. You also like to ask alot of questions. Alot is actually an understatement. You are constantly asking questions and it's like a firing range, as soon as we answer one, you have another question out there. You will no longer take "I don't know" for an answer so it can get interesting if I don't know the answer and I have to try really hard to be creative. For the first time a few weeks ago you turned the questions on someone you didn't know...a fireman. You asked him a hundred questions about his truck, his equipment and everything under the sky. He was quite amused and so were we.
This year your memory kicked into high gear. You remember things from a year ago and that amazes me. This morning Daddy went to put your "birthday boy" pin from last year on your sweater and you told him he'd "hurt" you. Daddy promised you he wouldn't and he didn't, but when I heard this story I shamefully had to admit to him that it was because last year I had accidentally stuck you while putting it on. And you remembered that?!?
This year you started preschool and you love it, which I knew you would. You talk about your teacher Miss Marlo alot and about your friends in class with you. In fact Miss Marlo was a HUGE help in potty training you. My goal was to have you potty trained by 3, but when you were still resisting in September I thought you may be going to kindergarten in diapers. But as is everything else with you, once YOU made up your mind, it was time. You are so unbelievably independent, stubborn and strong willed. It makes me so very proud and at the same time I feel frustrated much of the time. Each week or month seems to hold a new challenge, or battle, for us, but when I step back and look at the big picture, I'm amazed at how well you carry yourself and how you can do so much on your own.
I'm sure glad Daddy was here this year to celebrate your birthday with us. He is your best bud and you like to tell him so. Three seems so "big" to me, like you're right on the brink of being truly a big kid, almost graduating from toddler-hood. I know that's a little ways off, but little by little, and too quickly for me, you are shedding the pieces of babyhood and taking leaps and bounds towards independence. I'm grateful you still like to give kisses, even if your moods are unpredictable. I'm grateful that once in a blue moon you ask me to cuddle with you on the couch. And when you have a scary dream that you ask if you can sleep in our bed. It's rare for you, so I cherish it. Sweet boy, you are a gift from Heaven and I adore you and love you and thank you for being my precious son. You are a million dreams come true and I look forward to this coming year to see what you'll have in store for us.
Loves and kisses and a very Happy Birthday,
beautiful. happy birthday, nolan!
Very sweet! Happy Birthday Nolan!!
I can't believe he is 3! Happy Birthday Nolan!
Happy 3rd Birthday little man! You are such a handsome, wonderful boy and it is a joy watching you grow up. You are the apple of your mommy and daddy's eyes! Love you bunches!!
3 Glorious years... happy day!
WOW, the big 3, ALREADY??! Hard to believe! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Give Nolan a BIG hug and kiss from us!
Great post momma...Happy 3rd to Nolan and happy 3 years to being a mommma to you...wish we could be near to celebrate both!
P.S. I LOVE the cake!!! Who made that??? Awesome!
Tammi and the boys
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