Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Prayers for Andi, Mark and the Bambinos

My dear friend Andi, who was my roommate in college, is 25 weeks pregnant with triplets! (And you thought twins would be a handful). Andi has been admitted to the hospital because her cervix is shortening and she is having some contractions. From what I understand in talking to her, the scary part is that she isn't feeling most of the contractions, which is a big reason she has been admitted.

It's really important these 3 "bambinos" (as they have been nicknamed) stay put for at least 4-5 more weeks. The whole family could really use our prayers that the babies stay put and that Andi stay as comfortable and relaxed as possible. They also have a beautiful, wild 3 1/2 year old, Caleb, and I pray he adapts well to all that's going on.

You can read how they are doing at their blog, they really tell their story much better than I do: Mark and Andi plus 4

1 comment:

Keelee said...

I hope she is able to hang on. However the medical science in neonatal is amazing these days. My friend Shelby and her amazing twins that were born at 25 weeks are a great of example of what medicene can do!