- Nolan informed me one morning, "My heart is beeping." I said "yes, it is." He asked, "Does it beep all day?" I told him, "Yes it sure does, all day and all night.Always. But it's BEAT. Your heart is BEATING." Pause. "Nuh-uh, mom, it's BEEPING."
- Nolan asked me if while I was pregnant, if the babies had a blanket in my belly to keep them warm.
- Nolan asked me what a cemetery was, which took us down the path of some interesting questions that I wasn't quite prepared for. After my explanation he said, "So you have to go down in the ground to die to get to Heaven?" A couple minutes later, after more talk of Heaven and how God lives there Nolan said, in the most innocent voice I could imagine, "Mommy, when I go to Heaven I want to take you and Daddy and the babies and then see God, but just for a little while, then I want to come back here."
Monday, August 31, 2009
Nolan says the darndest things
Friday, August 28, 2009
So, I finally captured some smiles! After solving some acid reflux issues for Daniel, both boys' are smiling and cooing throughout the day. It's the BEST! Joseph flashes a HUGE grin whenever I go to get him from his crib. Daniel adores diaper changing time (which is good, since he's getting his diaper changed alot) and loves to smile then. He's also a charmer at his early morning feed, which helps me smile my way through the fog of being bleary eyed. Truly, I know I'm their mom, but I think their smiles light up the entire room!!

A couple of Daniel in a bouncy seat. I couldn't choose just one, I adore how he sticks his tongue out when he smiles. Nolan did the same thing!
They both seem really content being in one of the cribs watching one of the mobile's together. Here they are just plum happy as can be!
The Nursery
I still have some very minor finishing touches I'd like to add, but for the most part we have the room finished. Brian did 99.9% of the work and I couldn't be more grateful. He's amazing! We love the room and will be very sad to leave it in a few months when it's time to move again.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Surviving Tropical Storm Claudette
Things to do with an already bored 3 year old when there's a tropical storm:

Monday, August 24, 2009
1st Day of 3 YR Preschool
Last week I drove you back to your preschool, but this time preparing you for the "big boy" room in the 3 year old class. As I drove the van, I also drove down memory lane. Last year at this time it was just you and me, kiddo, in the car that was plenty big for our family. We were certainly in the process of wanting another child, but at the time, you were still our only little boy. How could we possibly have known how much our lives would change in one short tiny year? I thought about how excited you were last year to be going to school with Abby and how last year at this time you wouldn't have dreamt of doing a single thing without her. And how this year, we have no choice. Sweet boy, I worried so long and hard about how you would handle this change of losing your best friend to an Air Force move, but you have been so strong. You are such a positive little guy by nature, it amazes me. When I asked you recently if you were sad about Abby's move you said, "No." That made me even more sad until you responded, "It makes me happy because Mister Andrew said I get to go visit her in Arizona."
Anyway, it was strange for me to drive you to school knowing I'd be missing many familiar, friendly faces that have since moved away. Since it rained the entire day prior, it was too muddy to drop you off on the playground and for a second, I thought this would be a problem. You looked at me and there was a moment of question...if you would fuss and not want me to leave, or if you would turn around and go into your new class, with almost all new faces and even a new teacher. I swear a look of brave determination came over your face and you hugged me really tight and told me good-bye. I got in the van and gave a huge sigh of relief. A break for me. Only two kids, not three. And then I cried. And cried most of the day. That fleeting look you gave me reminded me you are ONLY THREE, and not only that, but that three years has flown by and every day that passes is one more I can't get back. It reminded me how much you have had to endure for our family this past year and how awesome you really are, temper tantrums or not.Nolan, you are amazing and funny and smart and unbelievably clever and creative and loving. We hit the jackpot when we had you as a son. Thank you for being you and for being my son. I love you to pieces sweet boy! Have a great year!!!
Love, MommaNolan with his new Thomas the Train lunch box, a surprise that morning!

Nolan in front of his new class:
Saturday, August 15, 2009
2 Months???

I was trying to get them to smile at the same time for a picture, but was only able to get Joseph's profile...still I ADORE that huge grin! And Daniel has a glimmer...
They would like to be like big brother and have some popcorn while they watch a movie!

Thursday, August 13, 2009
The truth Behind Being a Big Brother to Twins

Everyone asks how Nolan is taking the transition. The truth is, some days are good, some days are bad and some days (like today) are freaking awful. Let's face it...at this early stage my main focus is the babies. Unfortunately, most times their needs come first. Brian and I are trying our very best to make Nolan feel included, loved and special, but realistically we fall short too often. We've recently implemented a reward system where he gets balloons (blown up) that we drop into a cylinder tub. When the balloons reach the top he gets a prize. Um, no prize yet and we started Monday, although we feel like there is some progress in his behavior and realize it can't change overnight. The biggest thing is that Nolan realized quickly that after the babies were in the picture, we react to his screaming and try many different ways to stop him so he won't wake the babies (or scare them). We decided a couple days ago, we won't react anymore. He went through a screaming phase when he was younger and ignoring it was the only way that worked to get him to stop. Granted, now he is 3, so he may be punished for screaming, but we aren't going to rush in and try to make him stop. If the babies wake up, well...thus is life with 3 kids I suppose.
Friday, August 07, 2009
Daniel's Surgeon

Water Day
Nolan's preschool had a summer program---much of which we missed because we were, of course, not in town. We did manage to return for the last couple weeks, though, and he got to enjoy his time at school/camp (it was a more layed back version of the school year). He was very excited to see Miss Marlo again and be around his friends! On the last day they had a little celebration where the kids wore their swim suits and got to play in all kinds of water outside. Then after lunch they were treated to a movie and popcorn. Nolan had lots of fun and came home with the coolest crafts and singing all kinds of cute songs. I'm very excited for the year to come!