So, I finally captured some smiles! After solving some acid reflux issues for Daniel, both boys' are smiling and cooing throughout the day. It's the BEST! Joseph flashes a HUGE grin whenever I go to get him from his crib. Daniel adores diaper changing time (which is good, since he's getting his diaper changed alot) and loves to smile then. He's also a charmer at his early morning feed, which helps me smile my way through the fog of being bleary eyed. Truly, I know I'm their mom, but I think their smiles light up the entire room!!

A couple of Daniel in a bouncy seat. I couldn't choose just one, I adore how he sticks his tongue out when he smiles. Nolan did the same thing!
They both seem really content being in one of the cribs watching one of the mobile's together. Here they are just plum happy as can be!
So cute....the smiles make all the sleepless nights worth it!!!
OK another read with tears streaming down Gramma's face.
Sam,you have to quite doing this =).
They are soooo cute! Give them a kiss from Grammy Susan! And please give Nolan one too!
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