How is it possible that our babies' are TWO months old? Wednesday was their 2 month birthday and although their official 2 month check up isn't until next week, we took Daniel in for a weight check. And they also lent us a scale to borrow so we don't have to keep bringing both babies in, so I was able to weigh Joseph. Who, as of Wednesday, was 10 lbs 14 oz. And Daniel was 7 lb 3 oz!! He gained 8 ounces in one week!!! That's above average for any baby, but for a "heart" baby, it's superb and we are SUPER proud of him!!! We're super proud of Joseph, too ;) In all the pics, Daniel continues to appear tiny because he's of course outweighed by Joseph, but we can totally tell how big he's getting. They are both smiling now and cooing, although Joseph REALLY coo's alot!! We are enjoying seeing glimpses of their personalities. Here's some pictures. This week I was really good about taking them, so there will be more to come!
My 3 sons, Nolan, Joseph & Daniel:

I was trying to get them to smile at the same time for a picture, but was only able to get Joseph's profile...still I ADORE that huge grin! And Daniel has a glimmer...
They would like to be like big brother and have some popcorn while they watch a movie!

aww, too cute. Are you finding that time is going by even more quickly with these guys than it did with Nolan?? I feel that way with Olivia, maybe because I am busier now?!?
They are just so sweet! I can't believe they are 2 months! And that Hailey is 3 months!
Is Nolan trying to pose like a baby?? How cute!! Can't wait to see all of you in Oct.!!!! Love Mom and Dad
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