This is the man who operated on our little guy, who performed surgery on a heart the size of the tip of my thumb. I knew I liked him when I met him. I was still pregnant and wearing a shirt that said, "The twins want ice cream!" When I told Dr. G that we weren't sharing the boys' names he looked at my shirt and said, "Okay, I'll call them Haagen and Dazs." He was always very upfront and honest with us, and yet was sensitive and caring. When Joseph was admitted back into the hospital he even surprised me by coming by for a visit to make sure he was doing okay and that I was hanging in there. That's the day I asked him how a person can possibly thank another person for saving their child's life. In his humble way, he told me there was no need, but I feel very differently. Yet, I still have not thought of a way, except to be grateful every day for Daniel and for his two brothers and for each day our family gets to spend together. Even if its not how I always planned it. So, thank you Dr. G, we will forever be grateful and will always hold a special place for you in our family's heart!
Dr. G sounds like a great doctor and person.
When I got to thanking him for saving Daniel's life I started to tear up and do the hand wave thing in front of my eyes ( why do we do that it doesn't help) and Maddie looked straight at me and said Gramma your crying! I could hardly get thru the rest as I was reading it out loud for her. :~)
You made me cry. You can't ever thank anyone enough. God bless surgeons, doctors, and nurses.
thx for making me cry and I don't even have kids...or even met your twins yet :(
angels walk among us...and I'll leave it at that :)
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