Everyone asks how Nolan is taking the transition. The truth is, some days are good, some days are bad and some days (like today) are freaking awful. Let's face it...at this early stage my main focus is the babies. Unfortunately, most times their needs come first. Brian and I are trying our very best to make Nolan feel included, loved and special, but realistically we fall short too often. We've recently implemented a reward system where he gets balloons (blown up) that we drop into a cylinder tub. When the balloons reach the top he gets a prize. Um, no prize yet and we started Monday, although we feel like there is some progress in his behavior and realize it can't change overnight. The biggest thing is that Nolan realized quickly that after the babies were in the picture, we react to his screaming and try many different ways to stop him so he won't wake the babies (or scare them). We decided a couple days ago, we won't react anymore. He went through a screaming phase when he was younger and ignoring it was the only way that worked to get him to stop. Granted, now he is 3, so he may be punished for screaming, but we aren't going to rush in and try to make him stop. If the babies wake up, well...thus is life with 3 kids I suppose.
You are a great mom Sam and tomorrow is a new day!
This too shall pass! Joseph and Daniel are getting bigger everyday and before you know it you will have more, not tons, but more time to devote to Nolan. You are a wonderful Mommy Sam, and all of your boys are lucky to have you!
If nothing else, keep in mind you can use this to show Nolan's future fiance (I won't show Abby now, I'll let you do that in 25 years!
Hilarious (because it is you and not me partially but still... not looking forward to this age!).
From now on, when I don't get my way, I am totally borrowing Nolan's technique... at work, at home... I WANNA PICNIC!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :)
What a great tool later in life too to show him... Love it. All of it.
Oh Sam...my heart goes out to you....this video made me laugh AND cry...I don't know how you do it! You are a strong woman!!!
Thank you for my daily dose of laughter...out loud!!
Ah... I sooo relate to this.. .. I wish I could say that 4 was better... :) :)
Like we always say.. they are lucky they are cute...and boy is he ever adorable.. he and Evan are sure peas in a pod... I wish they could play...but we might need LOTS of wine!
Miss you friend! I love all the pics of the boys... just so precious..
Hi Sam- I don't know if you remember me- I'm Erin (babyonbrain) from Peach.....I've been following your blog- Congratulations! I wanted to tell you that when A and C were newborns- we were PARANOID about them waking up- but we learned in time that it took a lot for them to wake up- they are 2 years and 2 months and still sleeping in the same room. Even if one wakes up, the other one stays asleep- so hopefully if you stick to your guns on ignoring Nolan's screams, it'll work! :) xoxoxo
That was terrifying!!!
I finally read your blog-wonderful! This video is hilarious! Nolan's changed so much - you can officially say you overcame this stage!
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