On the twins birthday we took the family downtown and started off the day by eating lunch at Legal Seafood. I had envisioned us eating outside, but mother nature had other ideas. Thankfully, they sat us next to the huge fish tank, which the boys loved! It was very kid -friendly and the food was really good. Then we headed across the street to board our duck boat. Its a tour (on land) of the city of Boston, but then goes into the Charles river. The boys loved it!
Our duck boat:
The boys in front of the boat.
On the way back, we stopped at Modern Pastry, a local favorite. They are famous for their canoli's, but we opted for cupcakes instead.
Nicely done, Nolan!
Nolan helped with D's first candle, so we made sure he got to blow out the other one:
Daniel then took the candle out and ate some icing off of it. Then he took a big bite of candle. This is Brian trying to get the wax out, but then D bit him. Apparently candle wax is tasty.
Joseph was really good at sharing:
The boys both ate all the icing, but very little cake.

Nolan had the job of putting candles in the cupcakes.

Joseph didn't want to wait until we were done singing to blow out his candles:

Fun!!!! Sounds like a perfect way to spend a (birth)day!!
Happy Birthday Daniel and Joseph! Make sure your Mommy gives you hugs from Grammy Susan. And Mommy please give Nolan a hug too! <3
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