So I'm a little behind, but we had a beautiful Easter! We started off with the early service at church (not a sunrise service, but it kind of felt that way when we first got up). The service was gorgeous, with lots of pretty music and a great sermon. Then we headed to base to go to brunch at the O Club. We've heard nothing but fantastic things about the brunches there and people weren't was SO good! We had reservations with Chey, Andrew & Abby. We found at the last minute Jake & Jamie were going to the 10 AM brunch, too, but we thought once we got inside it was seat yourself. Unfortunately, it was "assigned" seating according to your reservation. So we made faces at them from across the room, ha ha kidding! Actually Nolan was not a very happy camper and I was a wee bit stressed most of brunch. He was LOUDLY not happy and we kept getting the "can't you quite that kid down" look (or so I thought). Near the end Grandpa M & I took turns taking Nolan outside to run around. The view at the O club is gorgeous, right on the water. It was a cold and cloudy day, but still a great view!
That evening we feasted on ham and the fixin's. Cheyna, Andrew & Abby joined us and fun was had by all!
Abby & Nolan eating some fruit (I wish I could record Nolan saying banana, its sooo funny...he starts saying it, but never stops, sounds like "badabadabadaba...")

Brian and Mom:
Cheyna & Andrew:

Here are the kids, we tried to get them to pose...ha! Do you like Nolan's bomber jacket? It was a hit at the club! We didn't think he would wear until the fall, but since it was so cold we pulled it out...great choice Grammie & Grampie! I wish I had gotten a better shot of Abby's was SOOOO CUTE!

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