Okay, Chey always thinks of the best titles, so mine was inspired by her. Anyway, yesterday Cheyna & Abby hosted a playdate for the Eglin playgroup...yep, they drove to US! It was great! There were PB&J's for the kids, appetizers/sandwiches/salad for the moms and an egg hunt in the backyard! I am not sure who had more fun...the huge group of kiddos or us moms. We were a little worried when we woke up to rain, but it cleared in time for the party. Cheyna & Andrew have such a fantastic yard, with so many kid toys and what not, it was actually possible for us moms to sit and chat and not spend the whole time "chasing" the kids.
Nolan was really excited when he saw his first egg. He started to put it into his basket when he spotted...Abby's lawn mower. It was all over. I kept trying to lure him back to hunting for eggs, but he was like, "Mom, there are lawn mowers and cars here, leave me alone!" So I let him be. Saturday we are going to an Egg hunt and I am hoping with less distractions he may get the concept a bit more. If not, there's always next year! It was such a fun day!
Chey & Abby finding eggs:

You got some great pics! And I love reading your blog!!
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