As mentioned in my previous post, my parents drove down for a visit last week. It was so awesome having them here and so much fun watching Nolan play with them. My dad's such a goofball, I'm not sure Nolan knew what to make of him half the time, but Nolan sure laughed A LOT! My mom entertained Nolan in only a way Grandma's are allowed...with candy and sugar!! Thanks so much for making the trip and for spoiling all of us!!!
Almost as soon as my parents walked through the door, Nolan asked to swing, which he rarely does anymore. But he totally remembers that Pop Pop is a champion swing pusher! Higher Pop Pop!! 
Swimming. Nolan, thanks to Pop Pop, now knows what "dunking" and "pushing people in the pool" means, but we have assured him that these are "GRANDPA ONLY" games.

It was so nice to finally meet your parents! Abby keeps talking about "her" grandpa and dunking him and searching for fish at the beach :) I hope to see them again soon!
The resemblance is amazing!!!! ;-) Sorry i wasn't able to meet them. GS
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