Nolan's fairly new Cars shoes (imitation crocs) are Nolan's favorite and most often worn shoes. Easy to put on, durable and go with pretty much everything! So it was a bit distressing when we couldn't find them. At first I just ignored the fact, because more often than not by really looking for something, I can never find it and then just get irritated. So, if I think something is missing and it's not detrimental, I just pretend I don't notice and it usually shows up. Not the case with Nolan's shoes, so after a few days I started looking and re-looking in all the popular and not so popular spots. Brian said Nolan probably "put" them somewhere, which I agreed with, but where? I would ask Nolan where they were and he would say, "I don't know, let's find them." Then he would just look at me, not realizing I was waiting for HIM to tell me. So I began to think like Nolan, or try to. Which brought me to his room. Under his bed where this box has been since we bought the shoes. Ahhh, of course.

As soon as I showed Nolan he smiled happily, completely unaware of any stress or confusion he may have caused, and gleefully yelled, "There are my shoes, I put them in their box!"
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