- Nolan was looking at a picture of Brian and I from a couple years prior to Nolan's birth. He asked, "Was I living in your belly?" I said, "No, not yet." And he asked, almost more of a statement, "Oh, I was living in your eye?" (Because at one point I had told him about another picture that he wasn't even a twinkle in my eye).
- We were driving by the airport in St. Louis, where one of the National Guards F-4 plane is displayed and has a face painted on it. We pointed it out to Nolan and he laughed and said, "That plane has a mouth! Planes don't have mouths. That's so silly!"
- We were leaving the hospital after a doctors appointment and had to stop at the ticket window to pay the parking fee. I started driving away and Nolan said, "Wait Mom, Wait! Where are you going?" I said, "We're going bye-bye, we're all done." And he said, "But you forgot to wait for your food!!" It took me a second to realize he thought the ticket booth was a drive thru restaurant!!
- Nolan adores his older cousin Maddie and is constantly asking, "Where's Maddie?" or if I tell him to do something he'll say, "But Maddie's not" etc, etc. It gets frustrating for all of us! So Uncle Kurt (Maddie's dad), asked Nolan, "If Maddie ate a spider, would you?" Keep in mind, Nolan is TERRIFIED of spiders. But he only paused a second before he answered in a tone that suggested Kurt was crazy, "Yes!"
- After a long day, we had the TV before bed. My usual non-snuggly little boy lay his head on my big ol' belly, let me stroke his hair and proceeded to say to me, "You're so cute Mommy."