Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Getting There is Half the Fun!

Our 12 hour trek to St. Louis was not nearly as bad as I think we thought it could be and actually went rather quickly and smoothly. Brian had to administer me shots of meds that would help prevent blood clots (only once a day, plus some days before we left) and that was really the worst part of the trip! We did run into some nasty weather in Alabama, but luckily we avoided the worst of it. We stopped half way, in Nashville, and rested up before finishing the drive Monday. We were told by the doctors to stop frequently so I could move around (again, there is worry of blood clots), which ended up being no problem with my already tiny bladder and Baby A's favorite activity of dancing on my tiny bladder.

Nolan was awesome, although a bit more restless the second day, but he really is such a good kid on long drives. Of course, that's with a DVD player, I don't know how our parents survived long trips!

Here he is mesmerized by one of his movies. I think it was A Bug's Life, that was his movie of choice this trip.
One of his "car surprises" that we saved for the trip.
Nolan's bed at the hotel was a fold out couch. He was pretty excited about the idea that he had a big TV in his "room."
We made it! We ate at Red Robin for a yummy dinner with Brian's parents and brothers. Here's the boys. Brian, Nolan, Nathan (the youngest brother), Kurt (middle brother) and Dad:

1 comment:

The Vrabecs said...

Glad everything went well. I just hope our drive to Colorado will be so smooth!