In the last week Nolan has done so many new things, it is so incredible to us. Seriously, every day he does something new. We have been trying to teach him some basic sign language and the first one he learned was "more." He now does that not only for more food, but when he's hungry (we're working on hungry & thirsty signs), and when he wants more of ANYTHING (toys, playing etc). He's realized that the sign "more" gets him SOMETHING and it really has bridged the communication gap for us, because its a great starting point. He signs it and we know he wants something...we just get to figure it out. But it's way better than him just screaming at us. Since he learned the sign for "more" he has also picked up on "all done" and sometimes he does "milk." And a few times he's signed "dog" but he likes to say dog more. In fact last weekend he said his first word, "Dog" and the next day said "ball" (pointing to a Christmas ornament). He also points at the dogs and says "bad." Oops...better start telling the dogs they are GOOD!
He's also started bringing books to us and then climbing in our laps so we'll read to him. That melts our hearts to no end!!!
Anyway, I hope it doesn't appear that I am bragging on my son, what I am really in is complete amazement. It just gets better every day and he's so's just so unbelievable how quickly they learn.
And of course, Nolan learned the fun baby game that when mom and dad say "How big is Nolan?" He reaches his arms above his head and we say, "Soooo big." I took a picture of him doing it the other day (when I did NOT ask him), and he had a PB & J sandwhich in his hand (and mouth)that got smeared in his hair...and we still had to go grocery shopping! He's the messiest kid ever, I tell ya!

You can brag about him! That's a mommies job! He is such a cutie. Will you guys be in the Lou for Christmas?
Brag all you want...he's so darn cute!!!!!
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