Hi everyone! We had a wonderful Christmas. It was very quiet, which was kind of sad when we talked to family, but also really nice. We started the morning when Nolan began stirring around 7 AM (that may be the latest we sleep in on Christmas for years to come)! We made muffins and coffee and ate breakfast. Then we got the camera's ready and let Nolan go look through the sliding door into the sun room, where Santa and his elves had visited. Santa left one present not wrapped, a stuffed striped mouse, that's about half Nolan's size. I am not sure if he saw the rest of the presents but when he saw Mousey sitting under the tree, he started giggling. When we opened the door he immediately ran for the mouse and gave him a huge hug and then ran around with him until we got him to sit down and open some presents. The only road block was getting him interested in the next gift...he loved each present so much he would be mad when we would try to redirect his attention to the next thing. Nolan recieved some wonderful gifts from Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins & friends, thank you all soooo much! We are truly so blessed. He's still not sure what to make of the talking/dancing snowman (from Aunt Pat & Uncle Byrd), but he likes to dance with it, from a very far distance.
Brian and I were tickled about our own gifts, too. Brian recieved his miter saw from Nolan. He also recieved another Rachael Ray cookbook since he made such mean meals from last years cookbook. I also recieved a cookbook, from my favorite lady Paula Deen! It's her "Celebrations" book and the recipes made my mouth water. Of course as she puts it, all good southern cooking has lots of butter and salt, so of course I would love it! Brian also remembered that I really REALLY wanted the DVD Little Mermaid that is only out for a limited time, and I am soooo excited about watching that with Nolan (poor kid will probably have to listen to me sing every song).
After present opening Nolan went down for a morning nap...and so did the we and the dogs! See, the quiet part was kind of nice. We snacked on the yummies that Jack & Tish sent us and Brian fried a turkey for dinner. Not just any turkey. This thing could have fed an army. We have TONS of leftovers, which is what we both wanted. Dinner was awesome, we even opened our last Paso Robles wine, sigh. We went there 2 years ago (or 3?) and this was our last bottle we bought. A red zin from Zin Alley. It was A-MAZING! After a tuckered out Nolan went to bed we snuggled up on the couch with our remaing glasses of heavenly zinfandel and watched a movie. And ate carmel pecan pie.
Brian's parents arrive today and we're looking forward to having them and watching Nolan show them all his fun toys...thanks for checking in us, we miss all of you!
Nolan on Christmas eve with the train (bought before he was born, but he can't get enough of it)!
Christmas morning with his Mousey!

Here's Dad & Nolan trying to open Nolan's gift. However we HID one of his already opened gifts behind Dad, so we could get him to open this one. Not going to happen. He had no interest in the wrapped gift, he was just determined to get to the one we hid!
I'm glad you had a great Christmas. Nolan looks so cute in those jammies!
Your Christmas sounds like so much fun. :) We really miss you guys!!!! Have fun with Brian's parents...we'll chat soon I'm sure.
my mom LOVES Paula Dean too...and she got the same cookbook and tickets to see her in Feb. No snow in VA either :( It was damn near 65 degrees! Hope you have a happy new year!
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