We just bid farewell to G & G M before lunch. They are currently on their way to Keesler AFB to visit Nathan and his base (he's actually arriving from St. Louis today).
We had a fantastic visit and the time flew by! We of course have lots of pics, so I'll just start with their first day here. We went to Destin and ate at Fudpucker's, where they have live alligators that you can pet, feed and get pictures with. Then we did some shopping and Nolan flirted with another baby girl in a boutique shop. It was so typical. This little girl was about his age. She had all designer/boutique clothes and was sitting in her $800 stroller. She was behaving SOOOO good! Then comes Nolan, who is trying to grab everything off the shelves and loudly "babbling" no matter how many times Grandma M & I tried to hush him. They pass each other, both smile and Nolan (I kid you not) GRABBED HER STROLLER and it looked like he attempted to leap from his to hers. Luckily he was strapped in. The mom (who OF COURSE had perfect hair and perfect make up in comparison to me, whose hair is as always wildly frizzy while I position myself to hide the juice stains Nolan got on me earlier) was laughing and commented how "ornery" and "active" he was. It's not like he was making it easy for me to argue. It's like...I think he's such a good boy, and then I see this little girl who is so calm and behaved I figure those parents must think I am a cave woman raising my little wild bear. Anyway, I know all babies are very different and I do think Nolan is a very good boy, it was just a hysterical moment in my momhood!
Here are some photos from the restaurant:
This is the entrance of Fudpuckers:

Nolan kissing his new "doggie" that Grandpa won him in the claw machine:
Nolan on the mechanical alligator:
The real deal, lots of 'em, too!
My crazy hubby:
1 comment:
Oh Sam- it is a funny story, but I empathize! We women are too hard on ourselves! You are so awesome and a GREAT Mom!!!
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