Cheyna celebrated her birthday last Wednesday, and I can't believe I forgot to post here! I didn't forget, as I talked to her and wished her Happy Bday, and Thursday we celebrated with dinner at my place. I just forgot to blog it! We didn't snap one single picture unfortunately!
On Friday, Andrew and Cheyna invited us over for dinner, Andrew's famous Chinese Chicken salad. It was soooooooo yummy! Brian and I had seconds...then thirds! Nolan stayed up late playing, even after Abby went to bed because the four of us couldn't stop chatting. Then Saturday he did an amazing thing...he slept in until 9:30 AM for us!!! I opened my eyes and it was really light in our room & I was about to run in and check on him, but Brian said, "I just checked on him...he's great." Ahhh, what a TREAT! Here are a couple shots of Nolan playing with his good bud, Cheyna. He wouldn't leave her alone!
The first one he's playing (tickling her, we think):

Happy belated Birthday Cheyna!!
Thank you for the birthday wishes!! I love you guys!
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