I think that I may have read the original Night when I was younger, but it was still like learning the horror of the Holocaust all over. There are really no words for me to describe how powerful this book was. And FYI to anyone who has yet to read this, I suggest not reading before bed. Actually I can say the same for both of these books. Nightmares all over the place for me. From Baghdad with Love was written by a Marine who fell in love with a puppy while serving in the war. It all happened so recently it was like reading the news, but way more graphic and personal. It made me realize what a bubble Americans have wrapped ourselves in with all that is going on in the world. I also didn't realize how many dogs were in Iraq and how most of them don't survive. It was a difficult book to read, but one I needed to read. Now I am waiting on some books to arrive about history and a couple uplifting books about finding beauty & strength in being a Christian woman. I definitely need some uplifting books to alternate with the tragedy I've read about.
So....what books are you all reading or have you read recently? I love hearing book suggestions!!!!
I read Night in high school and absolutely loved it. I also want to read From Baghdad with Love, so it's good to know you enjoyed it. :)
Hey Sam..I left a comment and then I realized I was wrong about the author so I deleted it.
Night is an amazing book. I read it as an undergrad when I took an upper division Holocaust course. Elle knew my profosser and he came and spoke. If you are ever in DC or LA make sure you go to their Holocaust museums!
I read Night last year and loved it! Keelee that is so awesome that you met Elle!!! I am amazed in horror at the Holocaust. The Museums are definately something to see. So important to remember our history so we don't repeat it!
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