My poor little guy was the sickest he's ever been. Or at least in the most pain he's ever been. We went to the doctor twice. The second visit (Thursday morning) we went back after the worst night he's ever had, my poor baby. Luckily the second time his doctor was in (the day prior he was gone unfortunately). Turns out he has sores all over his throat. It's very common, but unfortunately there's no quick fix or antiobiotic. We've just been medicating him with Tylenol & Motrin & got the okay (thank goodness) to give him childrens benadryl at night to help him sleep. Getting fluids down him was the main concern, so he didn't become dehydrated. He loves to eat and he loves to drink milk, juice & water...all of it. But not when he's in pain. I had to give water to him in a syringe for a couple days. He finally accepted Jello and decided he LOVED it (thank you GOD). And FYI. If you think green beer can color your poop (YES I SAID POOP, I'm sleep deprived) at St. Pat's, try eating blue Jello for 3 days. WOW!!!!
So Nolan is doing better, but still needing Momma & Dad to hold him a lot.
Nathan arrived last night (Brian went to get him), so we will have a great weekend I'm sure. Nathan looks great, very tan and fit! They are at a military ceremony right now, both dressed in Blues and I took some pictures and sent them with the camera.
Nolan's napping and since I have developed a cold, I am going to nap too.
You know, real quick, I just want to say how blessed I feel. When I was up with Nolan all night and I couldn't ease his pain and all I could do was hold him and cry with him, I thought of all the children in our world who don't even have the luxury of children's tylenol or a bowl of chicken broth. Or a loving shoulder to cry on (and hit). Thank you God for our blessings...I think we all take so much for granted. Sorry for the rant, but I am just overwhelmed, Nolan really scared me and I just...I am just so lucky.
Bless your heart Sam- I will say a prayer for Nolan and your recovery!
What a good mommy you are! My get well wishes are with you and Nolan! Poor little guy! My first graders have been dropping like flies this week!-sickness is all around!
Aww poor baby...sickness is the worse! But enjoy the snuggle time and hang in there..
We are thinking of you both.
I'm so sorry Sam, it's scary when they get sick especially being so small and unable to communicate what's wrong. I will pray for you guys. Love, Liz
Poor little guy. :( Did they say what that could be from? Is it just a virus? Very strange...I don't think I've ever heard of that before. I'm sorry you guys had such a rough time, hopefully he's starting to feel better now. But as everyone said, even though you hate for them to be sick, it's so sweet to be able to cuddle them so much. :) Miss you guys!
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