This past week Rowdy & Chris had a TDY here at Eglin, so we got to see them. Tuesday we went to dinner with the Malone's and Rowdy and then briefly saw Chris at the condo where the guys were staying. It was so great to see them! Their condo was right on the beach and very nice...Nolan had fun running around it and found the tupperwear in the kitchen in record time. Nolan also adored Rowdy, especially when he discovered that Rowdy would clap after each bite of food he took. Poor Rowdy clapped ALOT at dinner, but he got lots of giggles in return.
Wed night Nolan and I stayed in (I couldn't swing putting him to bed late two nights in a row) and the guys went to dinner and then did the bar scene. From the sounds of it, they had a very good time. I sent the camera with Brian, but guys just don't like to take pictures as much I suppose. Can't wait till Rowdy & Chris visit time bring your wives! :)
Jake, Rowdy & Brian at dinner:

Love the pic of Nolan balancing in Rowdy's hand. He looks like a little circus performer.
I agree. The picture is too cute. Rowdy sure did have a fun couple of days. I'm going to try and come with him in Apr.
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